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The Code of Friendship
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Made the hardest decision of my life.

But I had to do what's right, for you, even if it means losing you as a friend. I did it against your wishes, broke confidentiality, and am deciding to present you before your parents.

I'm sorry.

But I love you too much to watch on and let your life go to destruction. To chose between your present unhappiness versus a lifetime of guilt, regret and who knows what else, I'll have to choose the former.

I cannot let you err in your ways any more. You have gone pass the danger zone way too far out. You're standing by the edge looking ahead, mesmerized by the illusion of selfish pleasures, blinded of the deathly fall front a step. You're no longer even able to help yourself. There was a first time and with it, a second chance, but not this time, because there is absolutely no room for a third mistake.

Doing all these to protect your life, even though you probably wont enjoy it, I have the faith you will become better out of it. I know and believe you will. And that true freedom wouldn't be anything compared to that which you desire to possess now.

It isn't easy for me. It's going to cost me as well.

People may judge me, curse me, spit on my feet, and walk away. I'll most likely be labeled as a bad guy for this, hated for all this. Maybe no one will trust me again, or be friends for that matter. I could easily lose everything I hold dear to me. It'll suck, but at least I know that I've saved yours. I might even lose the trust of another person close to my heart... I think I will.

But screw all of that. Even if I've to lose everything in my world, I'll do it for you. I love you, and you're my friend. This might be the last thing I'll ever have with you as a friend but owells. Love costs, and it's worth every drop of my blood to keep yours.

I'm sorry once again my friend, but love overcomes all. God be with you.
Psalms 23:3
He restores [your] soul. He guides [you] in the path of righteousness, for His name sake.
With love,

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