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Hate in Love
Friday, February 18, 2011

Sometimes, in hate lies a degree of love. This "hate" refers to the people you have in your heart. Friends, Family, People.

When we love someone, we give them our love. Something like giving them part of our hearts. And that's something you cant take back. It's not that you lose part of your heart so you should limit the giving, but that perhaps in an analogy written their names on places of your heart.

You can't take back that which was given out, you cant take back love, you only stop giving. So whatever it is, you will always have a portion of love that they own of you. It's just how small it is, or how much it is compared to other mitigating factors, say, hurts, disappointments Neither can you hate the people you once loved, family, close friends, and anyone you placed close to your heart, (including ex-s).

You loved them and always will, somewhere deep inside.

Maybe "hate" no longer is the word. It's anger. Anger for all the pains and hurts felt because you loved them. These hurts slowly build up to overshadow that love, defense mechanism kick in to cope with the pain, closing up to the agonizing feelings of that "unrequited" love.

But in the end, as much as we say we really hate someone, I believe we still have a albeit tiny spark left. If that person we hate, parent, sibling, friend, ex, were to disappear of this earth, if you would have for one second that little tingle in you, then I'll be touched to tell you, you, deep down in your heart, still love that person.

And I have faith, that love never fails, no matter how small it is.

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