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Pursuit for Growth
Sunday, April 24, 2011

These few experiences has been a great learning journey for me. Looking back it's been quite a meaningful holidays. Everyday was well spent (except the last ._.) and I had something to take back from every project.

Grandioso, Camp Dreamworkz planning, Hi Club precamp, Hi club camp, HMS precamp, HMS FOW, and now up till Opening ceremony. There's so much I've grown along the way, areas I've development, opportunities explored, and potential tapped into. Sometimes, I regret not being able grow earlier, but its never too late heh.

I think one of the major components is leadership, the different placements of leadership, maybe I'll write on next time. Approaches to leadership, mentoring, guidance, managing groups, interpersonal skills, and analogical references for relating explanations.

All these is kinda making me quite hungry for newer experiences. This time I'm looking to develop my areas in leadership - to be able to hold the front and lead a group into something, to be able to stand up and be a light for a group, song signing - improving various aspects, expression, formation, as well as to refine song signing practice in keeping under strictly 3 sessions of no more than an accumulated amount of 6-7 hours and ready to go. Also wanna explore my individuality in terms of the way I do things, and my capacity for hype.

Really excited to learn more. signed up for Famine Camp as Facil, in Hi-O, Opening Ceremony, Intermediate instructors, much more avenues to learn from.

Feeling inspired to run another event for HI with all these I've learn. gonna push my leadership to higher limits. Lie gym, wanna carry more burdens and responsibility to train myself. Here we go, it's gonna be an exciting semester =D

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