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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Maybe you'd think I was wrong in doing that. I don't know now, I no longer will say I love, nor say I'm a friend, but all I know is that I couldn't sit by and leave my friend to that path. Morals albeit, some mistakes are not worth the folly of making. Forgive me if I have disappointed you.

I expected a lash-back. I never imagined it would hurt that bad. A price to pay.


I wish I'd never had to go through it the third time. But it did. Been slightly unstable about it and trying to keep it calm, but the rocking boat has capsized.

I thought you were someone good. I wished you could be someone I would wanna be like, look up to in respect. I tried believing in you even if no one did. But no, forget it. I've lost all faith in you. After struggling with it for so many years, I think I'm dropping you.

You claim to have all these fundamental concepts, yet at the very basic, you fail as a friend. You fail to even love. You portray yourself as some know it all, filled with pride as if no one else knew as much as you did. Despite all that you talk about, you judge. You impose upon others your deep thoughts you assume to be the same rule of everyone. You end up creating this false world of your rules and anyone who breaks them has done wrong. Really, what happened to understanding?

And all of them. You treat like projects instead of people. Trying to solve all the problems in the world, but you never had a proper relationships. All you did was go in their lives, tweak a bit of things, and walk out thinking smugly that you've done some good. You don't even build proper connections, making friends and forgetting them when new one comes along. You dont treat anyone as friends, only taking them as good feelings all for granted. You come in when you feel like it, leave when there's nothing appealing. Is this what you call love?

And all those good things you've done, do you think you're someone noble, or expect to be admired for being good? Cause nothing you do is worth anything praiseworthy, especially when compared besides all the wrong that you've done. You take false pride in your little actions, but you neglect all the hurts and damage you've caused. Hurting them one after another. Don't you see no one's bothered by your worthless actions?

You've caused everything I've believed in you to fall. You've hurt and reopen all my wounds again. Don't blame anyone but yourself. You are beyond screwed. You dont deserve any sympathy. Maybe that's why no one comes for you, maybe I was a fool to believe in you. You were never needed, anyone else could do the same good things you've done. Sometimes, you're nothing but a parasite to make the lives of people around you worse. I hope you'll be placed some where far from people so you cant hurt anyone.

Right now, I'm sorry I'm walking out on you. But I really cant go on with you anymore. It hurts every time I place my faith in you high and you send them crashing down. This is the final straw.

I can only hope you wont be too alone, and perhaps others would be there for you. Hopefully they can still see and tell the good in you, because I no longer do, nor will I anymore. Not sure if anyone appreciates you but I can only hope you'll find someone else who will bear your burden to help. I can no longer believe you anymore.

For now, I wont ever call you a friend anymore. You're entirely unworthy of that status.

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