Running the Race
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Early up at 6.30 I'm headed towards the white tents for the RML commitee. Yeap, I was one of the first few to arrive. Because Tim told me to be there early but ahh no one came early still.Found Yvette, Sarah's, Huiqi and yaaa the rest haha hanging out along the beach with the horizon with a nice orange glow painted by the sunrise.Okies, I was quite nervous before the run, I could see many pro runners, and even an athletic squad are geared up to chiong the finishing line.Ahh ok ok ok, I'll just get to the run.WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO omg omg omg omg I ran 6.4km in 28m48s?? HAHA WAAAA I totally beat me record of 1km faster than normal. omg I just chionged with all the chiongstersMy legs burned with every footsteps, telling myself to press on, dun stop, dun slow down. The times I felt like giving up, but just with the aim in mind of the finishing line, I clocked down an impressive speed, quite to my amazement too. and lols at downing more than 10 cups of the eh 7-up revive. Hahaha spammed ttm me classmates - cos I dun have any pics of me =/ Alrites, Hi!Club's performance then. Haaaaa, was super nervous when we went up but hecks, I think we did a good job =). Had to squeeze into a tiny stage baaaa. And lols, my mom was within the crowd watching xD oh oh and heh, just go up, relax enjoy and have fun, no stress wahahahas. Me first public performance in life ahhh~ DiSheng's falling off the stage already haha performance Be a part; Reach a heart HEY HEY pics from the PCS Symposium are in and woots, all the cool awesome shots taken by Denise =D I'll post the others when more comes. ^^ cooooool right?~~~~~~ Ok time for some random abstract thoughts. (here's where it gets long)Yup, in analogy, our life's often depicted as a race.Some finish it quick, some slower, but it's not about how fast one gets there, more so, it's about the process. How would your story be if your life was written for the world to see?We'll meet all kinds of friends along the way. Acquaintances that appear into your life and quickly disappear off, others whose lives you run into, as well as catching up with the people you've met before in life, and finally, good friends along the way that pace your journey. All in all, the people we meet along the way play a part in our story, or might it seem that you, rather, were part of their story too.This race has no rules, and its directions are ambiguous. Some run by gut instincts, some simply going with the flow. There are those who are clear of where they're heading, and those who stay put. Some head off in the wrong direction, and stray off the path and we can only pray that these lost souls find their way back. Yet an amazing to note is that we too, often go astray, but yet out there, there are some of those special people, who give part of their life, their run, to come back looking for you. Through no means of communication, they just run and run, hoping to find you, and guide you back. Sweet isn't it?We fall and bruise ourselves, we get tired. For the fortunate ones, you know you can count on your friends to support you. But what about those alone? Do we sit there, crying and tending to our bruises? But ultimately we all have to pick ourselves up, and say "I will go on no matter what" and we're off once again.From our falls, we accumulate scars. And scars to me, are things I consider beautiful. Not because they make you look manly or what lols but heh, within each scar, a tale is embedded for life. And when we look at them, think of them as reminders, a reminder of a life event, reminder of learning from your mistakes.To round it off, I end this with a value of mine, where i believe that nothing in life is wasted. Not a happening in life goes untouched, just as how every second of our life is penned down in our experiences, thoughts, feelings, memories, values, beliefs, so on and so forth. Be it the worse heartbreak or the joyous times together with friends, nothing really goes to waste in God's plan for moulding our lives.And just as how every little thing that happens to us is significant, every action you take, every move you make goes a long way to creating an impact as well, albeit good or bad. Cos you never know how much a life you'll touch even with just one simple action. Others may not express it, but don't stop believing that your action are worth nothing. Just do it ^^~~~~~~~
Random Smiles:
While taking pics with my frens after the run, I stood behind them and tiptoed and then... my leg cramped. Haaa if only I could get the picture, because my face was smiling with the "URGH OMG PAIN PAIN NVM JUS TAHAN AND SMILE" face xDOk ok, not so funny heh...Sorry, no spastic looking pics of me this time =P BUUUT... TADAAAA!
My friend says my cheeks look like eggs. Darn it xDLabels: hi club, running, smile, thoughts

Darren Nico Pillai
Not-so-average teen, deep thinker, perfectionist with quirky randomness. Trained in the art of sarcasm and nonsensical logic.
Overcoming the circumstances of the present, and the issues of my past,
striving in self-betterment with a moral balance with the hope of the fulfillment of the destiny to be a light for Christ in His likeness,
spreading the love of God as how He first loved us
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am, for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hosanna -
I like to think about life, especially pursuing on the concept of love. Not that lovey dovey romantic kind, but the affections we have for one another
that ties us together,strangers, friends, besties, family, that's the love I wanna know about. Love is the essence of life that ties us together,
love is what we were made for and to be, love is embracing the gift of the relationship with GOD.
Find me at Facebook and Twitter
Leave a message on my tagboard or drop me some questions if any.
Collection of inspirations and reminders: Nico_thoughts@Twitter
Running the Race
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Early up at 6.30 I'm headed towards the white tents for the RML commitee. Yeap, I was one of the first few to arrive. Because Tim told me to be there early but ahh no one came early still.Found Yvette, Sarah's, Huiqi and yaaa the rest haha hanging out along the beach with the horizon with a nice orange glow painted by the sunrise.Okies, I was quite nervous before the run, I could see many pro runners, and even an athletic squad are geared up to chiong the finishing line.Ahh ok ok ok, I'll just get to the run.WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO omg omg omg omg I ran 6.4km in 28m48s?? HAHA WAAAA I totally beat me record of 1km faster than normal. omg I just chionged with all the chiongstersMy legs burned with every footsteps, telling myself to press on, dun stop, dun slow down. The times I felt like giving up, but just with the aim in mind of the finishing line, I clocked down an impressive speed, quite to my amazement too. and lols at downing more than 10 cups of the eh 7-up revive. Hahaha spammed ttm me classmates - cos I dun have any pics of me =/ Alrites, Hi!Club's performance then. Haaaaa, was super nervous when we went up but hecks, I think we did a good job =). Had to squeeze into a tiny stage baaaa. And lols, my mom was within the crowd watching xD oh oh and heh, just go up, relax enjoy and have fun, no stress wahahahas. Me first public performance in life ahhh~ DiSheng's falling off the stage already haha performance Be a part; Reach a heart HEY HEY pics from the PCS Symposium are in and woots, all the cool awesome shots taken by Denise =D I'll post the others when more comes. ^^ cooooool right?~~~~~~ Ok time for some random abstract thoughts. (here's where it gets long)Yup, in analogy, our life's often depicted as a race.Some finish it quick, some slower, but it's not about how fast one gets there, more so, it's about the process. How would your story be if your life was written for the world to see?We'll meet all kinds of friends along the way. Acquaintances that appear into your life and quickly disappear off, others whose lives you run into, as well as catching up with the people you've met before in life, and finally, good friends along the way that pace your journey. All in all, the people we meet along the way play a part in our story, or might it seem that you, rather, were part of their story too.This race has no rules, and its directions are ambiguous. Some run by gut instincts, some simply going with the flow. There are those who are clear of where they're heading, and those who stay put. Some head off in the wrong direction, and stray off the path and we can only pray that these lost souls find their way back. Yet an amazing to note is that we too, often go astray, but yet out there, there are some of those special people, who give part of their life, their run, to come back looking for you. Through no means of communication, they just run and run, hoping to find you, and guide you back. Sweet isn't it?We fall and bruise ourselves, we get tired. For the fortunate ones, you know you can count on your friends to support you. But what about those alone? Do we sit there, crying and tending to our bruises? But ultimately we all have to pick ourselves up, and say "I will go on no matter what" and we're off once again.From our falls, we accumulate scars. And scars to me, are things I consider beautiful. Not because they make you look manly or what lols but heh, within each scar, a tale is embedded for life. And when we look at them, think of them as reminders, a reminder of a life event, reminder of learning from your mistakes.To round it off, I end this with a value of mine, where i believe that nothing in life is wasted. Not a happening in life goes untouched, just as how every second of our life is penned down in our experiences, thoughts, feelings, memories, values, beliefs, so on and so forth. Be it the worse heartbreak or the joyous times together with friends, nothing really goes to waste in God's plan for moulding our lives.And just as how every little thing that happens to us is significant, every action you take, every move you make goes a long way to creating an impact as well, albeit good or bad. Cos you never know how much a life you'll touch even with just one simple action. Others may not express it, but don't stop believing that your action are worth nothing. Just do it ^^~~~~~~~
Random Smiles:
While taking pics with my frens after the run, I stood behind them and tiptoed and then... my leg cramped. Haaa if only I could get the picture, because my face was smiling with the "URGH OMG PAIN PAIN NVM JUS TAHAN AND SMILE" face xDOk ok, not so funny heh...Sorry, no spastic looking pics of me this time =P BUUUT... TADAAAA!
My friend says my cheeks look like eggs. Darn it xDLabels: hi club, running, smile, thoughts