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The day before my birthday
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haaa, celebrated my birthday with some big chocolate mousse cake. And then take photo with me cake and fire~ Had my cake thingy since I'm busy on wednesday and friday and haha I'm leaving my thursday night free if possible, like maybe if anything happens >_<

Yea some random pics. (tomorrow then i post up the pics) =P

The best gift I could ask for cannot be bought by money, nor created by hands. All I wish for are your sincere heartfelt prayers and blessings. Cause everything I really want this year is to grow closer to God, be a muuch much better person, not for myself but for Him. And most importantly, I really really wanna grow closer and build an intimate relationship with my Father. That I'll talk with Him everyday, and may His presence fill my life, and that I'll walk closer to Him each passing day ^^

Haaa, the excitement!!~

Just for laughs, I was taking pictures in the dark ya, so I wanted to do some picture where I was staring closely at the flame. Wahaha, my eyes were so close to the candle, I could smell the fire =P and then got some sizzling sounds. I thought my chocolate was making funny noises. And then it sizzled again. And again. Then I thought, oh no die, I think I just fried my hair. Hurry on to on the lights and heyooo wat cha know, I did!! LOL How cool is that, I actually burnt my fringe from the very flame of my birthday cake!

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