Went for DiD tour today, was super awesome -
with all the accidental knockings, curious pokings, and the gay touchings
and I think darkness is actually quite fun, I dunno why though.
Anyway, some other thoughts.
One thing that I admire of those visually impaired, is that their world is one without aesthetics, one without physical beauty, and regardless of race, colour, looks, and anything that creates a sense of bias. No more do you run towards handsome hunks or pretty girls, rather, the only main feature of someone is his or her voice.
And friendship then, is based on character, attitudes and everything thats beyond the surface of one's skin. I find it a world of inner beauty.
taken from Zi Kang,
"Things seems so much beautiful when you cant see"Another thought too was on how my eyes kept hurting while in the dark, as though trying hard to grasp light, making out something out of nothing. oh and also cos tiong kiat jammed his white cane into my eye accidentally O__<
I'm pretty screwed up socially. Still searching for that, knowing well it wont never be around, just like a shooting star. And I think I've drifted off way to far. And I'm tired. I can only wait here hoping someone would be out there searching for me, and with false hope,
I wished it could be you.To sum it up, a beautiful quote by Timothy,
"What we had been searching for is just something we want; what we need has already been with us right from the start, only to lose it when you had found what you had been searching."Labels: EMO, Me, thoughts