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Where reality and fantasy meet.
Thursday, March 24, 2011

I fear that would happen since the day I saw you. Why would you?

It took one persistent call as the catalyst to begin. Now all I know is our lives will never be the same. We've left a dent in history. Dream after dream, thought after thought, slowly unfold in light. It's like fantasy melded into reality. It's crazy, boldness in the wrong place, with a waiting heart. I prepared for this, and yet my thorns failed. I'll never know the possibility a second chance may come. Your fervour lasted forever, undesired parting. Now tainted, I don't want to be filled with regrets and shame nor to avoid, I want to meet in face, and overcome it, and be able to look up without contempt. The decision was made, the price has to be paid. An empty field to begin, but I'll plow it in return, for both earth and heaven. I only hope I wont lose myself in it.

Thank you for everything.


My mind is still constantly perplexed about it. When the line between fantasy and reality blurs til I no longer perceive it.
Confused by its reality, yet impossibility. Out of now where that fulfillment of an inner secret. How, can something so impossible, first framed by vague imagination, now painted with vivid details be real? Yet it is.

Hidden places were uncovered, relics collected. The veil was removed, the maiden left vulnerable. The moment of contact and the tingling feel down the body. Both released their cupbearer for negotiations. Interconnected, it warped a space within, longing for it to be filled again. Innervating ecstatic reactions from head to toe.

How, did it come to be. What, made it possible. What if all these was only a dream.

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