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Company of Evil
Thursday, October 28, 2010

I think I might have made a wrong choice. For a path so tempting, a company so alluring, and a lie so devious, between the tough choice of home or the world, I chose the latter.

I think that's what it feels like, a heart that is never at ease, knowing it deviance from the right choice. Making the best of what I had, fighting hard to stay pure within the evil that surrounded me. If it means I need to be quiet, and alone, I'll just have to do it. At least, to note to myself not in leave myself with such company to begin with.

But I think there are some interesting positive things to watch amongst the events. Notably the enthusiasm and bonding of the juniors as well as unity of the current batch. Pretty lovely seeing how awesome the kiddos are. Wish people around could be like that too, making the fullest and best our of the poly experience before we all head to work/uni.

On a random note, I think I needa learn how to look more on the better side and every good there is in an individual, even the worse seeming one. Gotta learn to love everybody for who they are, including their flaws and mistakes. =P

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