FamRes is screeewed
Monday, February 8, 2010
Yup, screwed indeed. Todays' famres exam was terrible, hopefuly with a repeat of history where everyone does badly for an exam and it gets moderated. Cos Famres was ohmymamamia. To start if of, when everyone turned the first page over, I can hear laughing and gasping and I turned my too and "OMG DIE LUH" and I turned back the page. Never mind. Take it another deep breathe and flip the page over again and looked at the second question and... "OMG ANOTHER ONE NEVER STUDY DE" and with knowing failure is not too far away, I look at the thrid question and yeaaaps, another question from the journal articles notes we never thought of studying come on, how do we event study journal articles. Anyway, with 35/50 marks confirmed chop chop gone cause I dunno how to do, I'm glad I didn't waste much time studying because most of the thing that came out for exams were the utterly useless points in the textbook that you'll never expect to appear in a test. Saturday was a fully slackish day with intentions to start the next day but hey ho, fellowship with church mates took me til 2, and when I came back I quite spent the day of playing games, and when I again set myself to study, guess what, Pirate of the Caribbeans: At World's End played and omg, i havnt watch it before so I chose to sit in front of the tv. Show lasted til 11.30 and yea, I ended up chatting wit friends and my senior to refine my ideas and dreams for Hiclub and it took me til 3am... bessstz and then wake up to go school at 9 to study =lOh and i have to mention my exam experience. 2 hours - 8 questions - more than half of which I couldnt answer. So I wrote everything I could with minimal crapping and waited. Wait for another T01 student to walk out of the class so I dont have to be the pioneer one. Nopes, 5 mintues, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and as I watched the many other students handing in their paper, none of my dear T01's came forth. I even signed to Timothy when the invigilator was not looking to ask him go out with me. I finally decided to just be the first leave early when I saw my friends from another class leaving. And who knows, I was the first to leave, I too was the last. Because no one else ever came out. I mean ok not some monester ate them up or what but omg? they just sat through the 2 hours thinking how to crap? like wuuuuuut? lols. All in all, like wuuuuut the heckz, from everything I've remembered and studied, almost nothing I knew came out. like hellloooo, why do you even test us on things that are useless for our knowing... owells
oh oh and the good thing about it? 2 exams down! left with 2 more weeks for more major GG coming lololols
Dropped by for lunch with T02 at BTP's pizza hut and lol a bit extra but haha still can luh, most of them there already know me. and instead of going home, they suggested to go play pool, but loool we had one heck of a funny shitz time there =D Hooraaay for freedom this week! I cant promise you that my love will last forever, neither would it be that I'll stop caring, but this I tell you, with all that I am, I’ll do everything it takes to bring a smile to your face.Labels: exams, frenz, sss

Darren Nico Pillai
Not-so-average teen, deep thinker, perfectionist with quirky randomness. Trained in the art of sarcasm and nonsensical logic.
Overcoming the circumstances of the present, and the issues of my past,
striving in self-betterment with a moral balance with the hope of the fulfillment of the destiny to be a light for Christ in His likeness,
spreading the love of God as how He first loved us
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am, for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hosanna -
I like to think about life, especially pursuing on the concept of love. Not that lovey dovey romantic kind, but the affections we have for one another
that ties us together,strangers, friends, besties, family, that's the love I wanna know about. Love is the essence of life that ties us together,
love is what we were made for and to be, love is embracing the gift of the relationship with GOD.
Find me at Facebook and Twitter
Leave a message on my tagboard or drop me some questions if any.
Collection of inspirations and reminders: Nico_thoughts@Twitter
FamRes is screeewed
Monday, February 8, 2010
Yup, screwed indeed. Todays' famres exam was terrible, hopefuly with a repeat of history where everyone does badly for an exam and it gets moderated. Cos Famres was ohmymamamia. To start if of, when everyone turned the first page over, I can hear laughing and gasping and I turned my too and "OMG DIE LUH" and I turned back the page. Never mind. Take it another deep breathe and flip the page over again and looked at the second question and... "OMG ANOTHER ONE NEVER STUDY DE" and with knowing failure is not too far away, I look at the thrid question and yeaaaps, another question from the journal articles notes we never thought of studying come on, how do we event study journal articles. Anyway, with 35/50 marks confirmed chop chop gone cause I dunno how to do, I'm glad I didn't waste much time studying because most of the thing that came out for exams were the utterly useless points in the textbook that you'll never expect to appear in a test. Saturday was a fully slackish day with intentions to start the next day but hey ho, fellowship with church mates took me til 2, and when I came back I quite spent the day of playing games, and when I again set myself to study, guess what, Pirate of the Caribbeans: At World's End played and omg, i havnt watch it before so I chose to sit in front of the tv. Show lasted til 11.30 and yea, I ended up chatting wit friends and my senior to refine my ideas and dreams for Hiclub and it took me til 3am... bessstz and then wake up to go school at 9 to study =lOh and i have to mention my exam experience. 2 hours - 8 questions - more than half of which I couldnt answer. So I wrote everything I could with minimal crapping and waited. Wait for another T01 student to walk out of the class so I dont have to be the pioneer one. Nopes, 5 mintues, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and as I watched the many other students handing in their paper, none of my dear T01's came forth. I even signed to Timothy when the invigilator was not looking to ask him go out with me. I finally decided to just be the first leave early when I saw my friends from another class leaving. And who knows, I was the first to leave, I too was the last. Because no one else ever came out. I mean ok not some monester ate them up or what but omg? they just sat through the 2 hours thinking how to crap? like wuuuuuut? lols. All in all, like wuuuuut the heckz, from everything I've remembered and studied, almost nothing I knew came out. like hellloooo, why do you even test us on things that are useless for our knowing... owells
oh oh and the good thing about it? 2 exams down! left with 2 more weeks for more major GG coming lololols
Dropped by for lunch with T02 at BTP's pizza hut and lol a bit extra but haha still can luh, most of them there already know me. and instead of going home, they suggested to go play pool, but loool we had one heck of a funny shitz time there =D Hooraaay for freedom this week! I cant promise you that my love will last forever, neither would it be that I'll stop caring, but this I tell you, with all that I am, I’ll do everything it takes to bring a smile to your face.Labels: exams, frenz, sss