Whooo, finally am done for my current projects! Can finally chill a few days of rest before the chionging starts again. Havnt updated for such a long time.
Ok, so many things happened so I'll jus make some nice quick refreshers :)
omg, today was OB presentation and my group ran out of time, just short of 3 slides, and Mr Tan cut us off :( Each of the other groups needed to ask 1 question just for feedback and haa omg guess what my super sweet class did?
They asked us for details on out missing slides xD. "So what strategies are there", "what is your conclusion" haha omg
T01, I love you people!!
could see Mr Tan smiling away, I bet he was just as surprised. And wowz, I was touched man. Even though they were small actions, but haha it really bring to life the beauty of the class ^^,
Alrites, next, another really heartwarming thing. on the day of Hi club opening ceremony, I was acquainted with a hearing impaired fren and had to host him. ha really was fun signing to him. You know, really did brought to life the whole meaning of handsigning. but heh, while in the lecture hall, something he said reaaaally touched my heart.
He signed:
"I dunno why but this place brings me a lot of joy"Heh, its kinda cool seeing such people finding warmth in places like this. It would be kinda cool if hi club wasnt jus a place meant for people to learn hand signs but even for the hearing impaired community to be part of us. Wow too bad he dooesnt hav the time to join us =P and yea, thanks to him, my passion for hand signing is burning even more fiercely wahahaha!
Oh and I forgot... my life's pretty screwed currently. i cant even take care of myself ._. too much school work + poor time management + loads of laundry + dog + dinner + stooopid YEP medical form, baaaaaaaaaaaa! >=(
~a bit of random smiles~
Many of you have probably come across a moment of me being plain weird, and laughed over it. (RIGHT?)
Here's a beautiful example, coupled with a very unfortunate typo.

Labels: class, hi club, memories, smile