Haha, completed 2 elearning stuff today, and i kinda realized how rushed for time we are. Met up with DiD for IP and haha, I wore a shirt. O.o Haven't worn one for ages. doesnt look too bad I think :P
Nonetheless, I think my group's got [one of] the best IP organization, cos...
firstly, its in school, saves all the trouble of travelling.
Secondly, the people involved are from NP, both lecturers and seniors, I think thats awfully cool cos firstly they'll do their best to help you and you arent treated like some passerby that's kinda wasting their time kind of stuff. :D
thirdly, its just cos DiD rawks.
fourth, we have Juliet as our advisor, best maaaan. She's super helpful i tell ya, unlike some male advisor.
AND OMG, I FEEL DAM CHEATED. $29 for my stooopid OB textbook and heh, doesnt even got the stuff I need to write for my essay. Then came the thought of borrowing from my seniors but HEH I ALREADY BOUGHT THE DARN BOOK.
:/ still kinda troubled over some stuff though. Cmoooon you lousy beating heart, time to buck up!Surfing the net til I randomly came over a bunch of these 'emo' pics or something and I thought...
that is just friggin sweet.Labels: heart, School