Oh the boredom
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Lol, sick again today. and you know what? I still ate Macdonalds... Whole class going, how could I say no. and lol, I ate McSpicy, definitely makes things worse. K, INTCOM was supeeer boring ok? Omg la, teacher like super monotonous, and she doesnt engage the students. Lecture hall doesn't have individual power points. Nothing gets into my head. Its as good as a total waste of 2hrs. This kind of class, only girls have the extraordinary ability to keep focus and actually know what the teacher is talking about. My guess is that half of the class cant concentrate either. Tutorials better not be that boring either. Train ride home was horrible. Leaned at the door for 10 stops, then after city hall where the doors open from the behind, decided to sit down. My legs were at inverted "V" position with my bag on me. Haha. Sat for so long, when my station arrive, I could barely walk out of the door. My legs were super duper numb. I even had my friend to standby to push me out in case I couldnt make it.
Neither brains nor brawns
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hey people! Getting better now. Still coughing though. Lol, i feel so bad for people beside me, keep coughing. K, so today i bought my textbooks. 2 nd hand cause i hate words terribly, those that know me knows I am for numbers. So 2 nd hand pay lesser, as well as use lesser. K, so knowing that i was gonna buy 2 books today, i still bought my laptop and sociology books. Duh, nv think de. More later on. Tried the shuttle bus today! Woke up early, yet overslept but still made in time. When reach Tampines bus station, walk abt finding for a whole bunch of student looking people. When I reached some far away berth, there was this long queue. So, like most typical singaporeans, jus join a queue without knowing whats its for. Weird isn't it? Why bother waste time queueing when you don't even know what to expect. Ok anyway, yea, obviously its the queue for the shuttle bus. I dun join people and wait in lines blindly ok. Kinda siao, while waiting, I went into a sweating frenzy. Beads of sweat jus keep rollin down my face. And I was just standing there doing nothing sia. ok enough anyway, nobody enjoys imaging me sweating like a pig right. LolI'll skip on the school part, lazy go recall what happen. K back to books. So in my bag were my laptop and another thick fat chunky bulky heavy book. And in my hands were another 2 more flimsy thick fat... heavy books. haha, gotta lug them around until so cham. Then still got some free shoe bag after that. Sociology lecture... frankly speaking, I find her kinda eccentric. Whilst she make jokes, we laugh, but at her instead. Oh and sociology being a chimish topic (to me), she goes very fast thru her slides too. I barely started on one and the next slide is shown already. Fang Xiu is still all over "Isabella". O_o" See, watch what you say, cause anything you say or do can be and will be use against you not in court but life. hai ya, hope it doesnt reach her ears with all the extra weird nonsense in it. =)
When my nose runs and feet smells
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Ok, my feet doesn't smell. *checks* Well, feeling sick for the past few days. Must be one of my friend's apocalyptic plans gone awry again. My nose alternates between running nonstop and then getting stuffed up. Throat's all dry too. Going into my slight depressive moods again. When life becomes a blur and my goals dim out. Friends turn away and focus fades. Suddenly everything seems so far away. Is life just an empty shell? >_< Kinda moody now, should get better next week.
The days pass like a gentle breeze
Friday, April 24, 2009
First, I'm gonna say, WHOOOOO HMS ROCKS!!! Ok, haha. The Dance4Fund event really brought the hms together. We were all dancing together, and cheering like as though we were still in camp. Yay, I rmembered all my steps during the real deal. Ah, we didnt win anyway. I didn't expect much from an indian dance to stand out amongst the other really nice dances, buuuuuut, we were awesomely unique as HMS!!! First week of poly has been quite a breeze but I'm getting busier thats for sure. ITABS was pathetic, some how I screwed up the powerpoint slides which I worked so hard on. Though it wasnt much of a big deal, I'm pretty much a perfectionist. Life seems pretty fast paced now, I can hardly keep focus on my goals and ideals without the days passing by like the wind. Lots of assignments, keeping up with class. Then there's textbooks too, and they're like big giants stacks of paper compiled together designed to give you sever concussion if it lands on your head after falling 3 stories high. Not forgetting to mention there's about 3 books, plus the laptop. If after 3 years of poly and you cant find a proper job, you can always go move sandbags. Labels: Dance
Another day being a fresh freshie
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
IT class today was average. I was already familiar iwth most things that the teacher taught. Had 5 hours of break today. Did the ITABS project with my groupmates. Lol, used an old but nice animation of mine from before. Then got inspiration to make it the theme Windows.Lecture was super soporific la. The lecturer talked until so slowly, I'm dozing off while she's speaking. and the lecture hall chairs are puny. Either they're bad designs or I'm too long although I think most people would go with the latter, (just because I'm taller than you guys... HMPH)After lecture over, we all headed to the HMS Mass Dance practice. Waahaa, this time got so many people man. around 30 or 40. Then still got BSZE coming an hour later. The dance steps got cut from 4 mins to jus 2 minutes. Then, they this funny part at the end where we all hav to go "HEY" after a slightly complex dance step. After finishing that particular step, the song would go HEY, and followed by our lagged "HEY"s haha. It was quite amusing seeing everyone lagging as a grp coupled with the "Haaaiz" face of Matthew lol.Labels: Dance, hms
Day One Being A Freshie
Monday, April 20, 2009
Oooo, the first day of school liao. Wake up slightly before 7, washed up and then headed for school. The journey only took an hour today, but my bag was quite heavy, carry until suan sia. Reached school quite early, step of the bus only be greeted by the percussion people. Wa, ear super pain sia. K never mind about that. Smsed Xiao Hui to see if she reached or not but she's stuck in a jam. Waited for her outside class, wait so long liao, then she say she's inside already. O_o" So first class was Written Communication. Is like aiyooo, back to essays and stuff again sia, but need more words and pro-ness. Class was super quiet, with a bit of response from the class every now and then. And eek, i forgot to print my notes.So we played some ice breaker games, the one where you have to add an adjective to your name, then say all those before you yea? When its not my turn, easy like nothing, but when come to me liao, everything forget le. Ah, then one girl called Denise chose dumb. Aiya, the easy one taken liao. Tried thinking of other D-adjectives but I could only think of Dumber. Lol, no originality de haha. Nvm, in the end, I chose Diabolic Darren. Muahahaha. K, another funny quote.Bobo: ... Erm, Angelic Aizrin(dunno how spell), Messy Mabel, erm then who ah?Darren: *waves hand*Bobo: Oh ya er, Diabetic Darren.(I guess Satan has kidney failure too.)And one more thing, not using my mind for the last 6 months, and then suddenly using it for studies based on a whole new level of chim-ness is like hard, for me at least. All the things the teacher say is jus flowing through my head. None of the words wants to stay in this dusty mind of mine. Then need to think of ideas and suggestions and write a short paragraph. Similarly, all the old words and ideas from last time also moved out liao, its like my head is a ghost town. Nobody's in and nobody's staying.After class, me and Xiao Hui went on our legendary quest for food. We go Makan Place and its packed like siao. Then walk here walk there, walk until I disorientated. So go back to a familiar point then walked to Canteen 2 i think. Not as crowded as Makan Place for sure. XH decided not to eat, so I jus chionged thru my meal. Met up with Tim and Jun Ming after their class, then followed them all the way to Canteen 3, some ulu ulu canteen at one corner of the campus. Eat liao rush back to lecture hall. Grabbed JM and sat some where near the middle. The lecture hall seats are like super cramp, and for someone with long legs like me, I dam buay tahan sia. Kept fidgeting until... Ka-plonked, all my stuff dropped of my table into the fella in front. Paiseh sia, but nvm I'm not the only one =PLike I said before, Sociology was super chim. Its like my mind suddenly become tourist hot spot, some many things just raging thru. The lecturer forced one of us to volunteer to read out a story. "Lets see, well. We'll have Darren..." My heart skipped a beat. "...From T03"Waaaaa, make me have adrenaline rush for nothing sia. The lecturer talked abt our assignments. See already I know sure die de. Sociology chim enough, we still had to observe people, and implement what we learn in sociology into it. One of the assignments got to write report of 120 ~ 150 words. Easy right? WRONG! Throw in another zero at the back. That's like 400% to 500% my normal word capacity. How I'll ever manage that, I hav no idea.Dance4Fund. My dance event for HMS school. Whoo, more people from Pebbles are joining. And, crap sia, some HMS big lecturer or something is inviting T01 (my class) to go. Now I'll have my whole class looking at me dance, and perhaps, suffer from acute laughing fits. They better hav the paramedics team nearby. Oh by the way, did I mentioned we're dancing some Indian dance?!?! Compare that with the common hip hop dances and you should know where I'm getting at. CCA Fiesta wasn't much. They just gave out plain old flyers without detailed details. Uh huh, jus bunch of scrap paper to me. Anyway, Badminton!! Omg la... its on Saturday -- weekend gone, 9.30 to 1 -- late sleep gone, badminton + long journey -- energy gone. But lol, think I'll still join and see how long I can tahan.Looking forwrd to tomorrow! Actually, not really la. See my assignments already head dizzy. Going running tonite, hopefully can hit 10km. EDIT: Forget 10km , too long =P , But, YESSS i beat my previous record for 5km, now its down to 24 mins. Labels: Dance, running, School
Widening My World
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ah crap... I did a super embarrassing stupid mistake on FB again. You know, the new skin is like Wall and Status Updates looks the same. And I replied my friend's wall, typing my message out on my freaking Status Update thingy. Like OMFG, I'm such a tweet. This isn't the first time I'm doing it either. And both times my replies were you know... very extra for everybody to see. Shit shit shit, How could I live with such embarassment. Oh and because of the stupid new skin, I almost cant differentiate when I'm posting on my wall or posting on my freaking status update. I think I'll wont ever wall anybody again. Duhhhh... Where can i even hide my face.
K anyway, today was the Keala Pebbles gathering!! And there was only 6 outta 15 people that came. Majority of the group mates are Christians and they hav their service at Saturday or Sunday so we have problems going out on weekends.
So, back to topic, met Timothy at MRT first then went together. Reach liao then wait for the girls, and our ex-GL Fang Xiu was saying she would be super early the previous night, and then ah dui, we had to wait for her still haha. Nvm, Tim are me are patient people.
FX: Did you watch F1? Tim: Yea, its quite nice Darren: You guys got seats? FX: Ya, get to watch all the car swooshing by at fast speeds. Darren: I don't get what's so nice about that, its just like sitting at the park watching birds fly past.
(People who don't understand cars...)
Ah, so we went up to LJS eat some small small meal. Then the other girl came. Ok, she put on makeup and stuff then never wear her specs as well, basically, I totally couldn't recognize her. She comes into LJS and Tim and FX was waving to her and I was "Huh?? Who's that???" But of cause my guess would be that that's the other fella la.
Ok erm so, I kena teased abt my silliness once again la. K, so 6 of us watch a movie, eh Sniper. Pretty cool story on a rogue police sniper taking revenge on his team. Awesome graphics too, you know, blood spurting; legs blown up, head shots. Fine, I know I'm being pretty gruesome here.
Darren: Lets just buy 5 tickets and leave M out, Muahahaha M: Yea, 5 tickets, cause I'm gonna kill Darren.
(Ways to cut costs during the economial crisis)
Ya so after movie, kena laughed at by how I've nv been into the city area. And how the city area is so foreign to me. As well as messing up the scandal between me and Isabel. And you know what? Nobody even knows how the scandal started. =____________=" (Please take note how stretched it is) Wa, this time Tim joined in the fun sia, all gang against me. Then the more I say, the worse it gets lol. Why bother defending myself. People seems to enjoy ka chiao-ing me sia. K la, people happy then can liao.
Had lunch at Pepper Lunch, again something foreign to me. Erm, then Tim and me followed FX from orchard to city hall to bugis to look for her hoody/hoodie/hoodee/huudy (Wateveeer) for a birthday gift for a friend. Waaa, walk and walk and walk... lol, then still cannot find. K la, long story short, We just walk nonstop around shops searching for that clothe lor.
Wa, then i drank too much water and the air inside my stomach like keep reproducing de >_<" thats sounds dam stupid. Erm, no matter how i keep burping the feeling still comes back. Wa, some more still have to walk around so many places. Can't wait for next gathering again, and hopefully everybody can hope this time. ^^ Ok, and I found out why the reason I had to be in weird Indian costumes doing a weird indian dance to a weird indian song in front of quite a lot of people is becaaaaause, Hai Xin couldnt make it! Scrap my guess previously of me being the first in mind. Lol, 33% chance heh. Then aiya, he cannot make it, so now I gotta take his place doing it lor. = S K, la, should be a good experience for me still. And yes!, now the mass dance is no longer exclusive to 'special' people like me. =P Er, people, jus join la ah? Dun leave me alone to dance with her, sure become big joke de, kayzz??Labels: FB
Dance Practice
Friday, April 17, 2009
Some of you might be thinking why I'm in a dance practice when in a previous post I mentioned how uncool I dance. Well, there's this mass dance competition thingy where we perform against other schools. Then need 2 from each subgroup. Eh... and I guess I was the first that came to the GL's mind. As well as erm.. another girl which I always argue with (not in that kind of aggressive way). I guess you can call this sabo... So I jus be sporty and say ok lor. And I totally had no idea what I was landing myself into. = \Anyway, I went to the room for the dance practice on time, and guess what? All girls! Lol,I see already straight away walked out. I was expecting way more boys, or at least same number of boys and girls. So I went to Makan Place for a quick lunch and then went back up hoping that maybe more boys would hav turned up. Went outside and peek through the glass door and... STILL all girls. Wa, so guài right? I go there is to meet all the other boys then end up im the only boy there. I dun want to be the only boy dancing on stage with so many girls sia.
Then I jus camp outside the corridor until one of the GL call my phone. Paiseh >_< They ask me whether I coming or not, thinking I'm late, while all this while im in the building haha. Then aiya, call le what to do right, must go in lor. So, me, with another 4 more girls all practicing the mass dance. Lol, with Matthew teaching all of us, it was quite fun, and then hav one Inyo GL acting super comical as well. Wa then got one move need to open your eyes BIG BIG (O.O) and then shake your head. My eyes is like ity bity puny small de lor, how open so big. ('_') Last time go take passport photo, they ask me open my eyes bigger cause too small. Then when i make bigger liao, they ask me smile... Then when I smile, my eyes become small again. I cant open my eyes dam big and smile and the same time. So in the end, my passport photo look funny funny de.
In the end another 2 boys turned up some time later. But like WHERE ARE ALL THE KEALA PEOPLE?!?! Only got one other girl from Keala, where's the other 6? Er 5, cause my partner's birthday today. Ok... Costumes wise, i scared sia. They are deciding between "Ali Baba pants" (baaaaggy pants) or wearing a Sari or watever thats called. And neither of them are gonna look great. And we are trying to organize a Pebbles gathering but quite a lot of ppl cant make it sia. Wasted, then also some not replying. How dare you people snub and ignore the Towkay Son. I think too last minute liao. = ( Hopefully can try organize another one next Sat and that EVERYBODY can come.Labels: Dance, hms
Post-Camp Syndrome
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Finally experienced running on a treadmill. Didn't like it, it felt so cramped especially if I was running at a fast speed. Just a slight variation on my speed and either I'll go too front or risk getting thrown off the treadmill at 10km/hr. And the aircon was making me feel sick. Like as though the insides of me were hot and the outside was cold. I think I'll stick to running on hard ground. School's starting next week, I'm excited yet nervous as well. Finally re-entering society, having to study once again. Thats a 6 months break we poly ppl had, half a year mind you. Nooooo, found out I'm different class from my PCS friends =( and my timetable is awful and confusing. Cant go for my precious badminton on Monday because I have classes.I'm getting the post camp syndrome. Missing the fun times I had with the FOC group, all the laughs, all the teasing, all the fun. Although it only lasted one and a half days, it was definitely an awesome time I had. Labels: running
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hms foc was awesome, discovered a different side of me and made new friends, experienced new things, did things I normally wouldn't. Although the camp wasnt that good, the people in my grp were fun, and that makes it good enough.
First day...
The camp com introduced himself and asked us to say hi to the person beside us and so I did.Me: Hi, whats your name? Stranger: Jun Ming Me: *stunned* What? Jun Ming? Omg, its me Darren! *takes off specs* Jun Ming: Yea, I thought so. Me: Why didn't you say hi earlier then? (We actually were walking beside each other on the way to the lecture hall) Jun Ming: Dunno. Me: ... Anyway, he was my classmate from primary school. Yea, totally couldn't believe it, finally, someone I knew in NP. Too bad we weren't in the same group though. As we caught up on old times, we spotted something peculiar.Jun Ming: Hey, do you realize there's a whole lot of girls here? Me: *looks around* Oh shit... Now that you mentioned it, this place is filled with 80 ~ 90% girls. Jun Ming: Crap, I think we just landed ourselves in a girls school. It then daunted to us that HMS was a girls school. Somehow its courses are more female inclined I guess. Just like engineering being mostly populated by boys. An interesting fact, JM was from a boys school, and he totally feels out of place. Haha! So my subgroup had like 10 girls and 3 boys led by 2 female GL's. And one of them is eh... reeeeeeally slow and blur. Cant even trick her because she cannot even understand it. But it adds to the laughter though. We had to prepare a performance for the campfire in less than a day. After an hour of suggestionless brainstorming from the group, we all decided on doing a dance.Next day we travelled round Singapore. We traumatized kids in the library and KFC making them do cheers for us. haha, poor chaps. Having my mind screwed by some guessing games. Joined in a game called "I never" with the group. That was like the ice breaker for the group. To play you are required to tell a lot of things about yourself, weird stuff if you want to win; helps everybody to know each other more. From then, everybody started talking more and our group became more lively. And throughout the camp, I gained some new identities. Someone mentioned I looked like a towkay's son, because erm, I looked, spoke refinely. Don't you dare even let out a smile. Just with that one comment, everybody went along with her and said I looked like one. and thus i became 'towkay son', in name of course. As amongst the boys I'm Captain Cow. Lol, ok ok, enough the giggling. Got it because during some games, the GL kept making me the action of that, I mean I had to repeat doing it so many times. Kena called 'Zhi Wei' by some people cause I look like him. Not bad though, because of that, I ended up being more sociable. Throughout the day, I became quite a joke as some would say, making humourous comments and being laughed at. It was great though, bringing smiles and laughter to others, many times at the expense of myself.Campfire was like totally horrible. The tech support team was sucky, the mike was crappy and it kept going out. Our performance got messed up by bad music. The tech team played a longer version of the song and when our dance finished but the song continued on, we were jus stood there dumbfounded. We continued the other half with impromtu actions until we told them to stop the music. The performance from other groups wasn't all that entertaining either, probably because of the short preparation time. After 4 draggy hours, we ended it of with a dance night, at the grand stand. Dam... not again. Yup, I was an epic fail unless you call stone-ing dancing but cmon, I cant and dont want to dance. Insisting me to do so will result in a sharp pain in your stomach due to uncontrollable laughing fits.We slugged thru the night at the girls dorm playing games. 2 girls were high after consuming a box of sugary sweets and 2 cups of jelly. One was giggling constantly at nothing. The other was fighting for more jelly. Around 5, the camp coms went to all the rooms rounding up the boys. Thats like 2 hours left to sleep, neither here nor thr. Third day had nothing much on. The induction programme was pretty boring at first, until the PCS part where they talked about the PCS projects and stuff. They had some group called CYA for which you could join projects people started or just start one yourself. I'll consider joining if I have time.Labels: camp, foc, hms

Darren Nico Pillai
Not-so-average teen, deep thinker, perfectionist with quirky randomness. Trained in the art of sarcasm and nonsensical logic.
Overcoming the circumstances of the present, and the issues of my past,
striving in self-betterment with a moral balance with the hope of the fulfillment of the destiny to be a light for Christ in His likeness,
spreading the love of God as how He first loved us
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am, for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hosanna -
I like to think about life, especially pursuing on the concept of love. Not that lovey dovey romantic kind, but the affections we have for one another
that ties us together,strangers, friends, besties, family, that's the love I wanna know about. Love is the essence of life that ties us together,
love is what we were made for and to be, love is embracing the gift of the relationship with GOD.
Find me at Facebook and Twitter
Leave a message on my tagboard or drop me some questions if any.
Collection of inspirations and reminders: Nico_thoughts@Twitter
Oh the boredom
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Lol, sick again today. and you know what? I still ate Macdonalds... Whole class going, how could I say no. and lol, I ate McSpicy, definitely makes things worse. K, INTCOM was supeeer boring ok? Omg la, teacher like super monotonous, and she doesnt engage the students. Lecture hall doesn't have individual power points. Nothing gets into my head. Its as good as a total waste of 2hrs. This kind of class, only girls have the extraordinary ability to keep focus and actually know what the teacher is talking about. My guess is that half of the class cant concentrate either. Tutorials better not be that boring either. Train ride home was horrible. Leaned at the door for 10 stops, then after city hall where the doors open from the behind, decided to sit down. My legs were at inverted "V" position with my bag on me. Haha. Sat for so long, when my station arrive, I could barely walk out of the door. My legs were super duper numb. I even had my friend to standby to push me out in case I couldnt make it.
Neither brains nor brawns
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hey people! Getting better now. Still coughing though. Lol, i feel so bad for people beside me, keep coughing. K, so today i bought my textbooks. 2 nd hand cause i hate words terribly, those that know me knows I am for numbers. So 2 nd hand pay lesser, as well as use lesser. K, so knowing that i was gonna buy 2 books today, i still bought my laptop and sociology books. Duh, nv think de. More later on. Tried the shuttle bus today! Woke up early, yet overslept but still made in time. When reach Tampines bus station, walk abt finding for a whole bunch of student looking people. When I reached some far away berth, there was this long queue. So, like most typical singaporeans, jus join a queue without knowing whats its for. Weird isn't it? Why bother waste time queueing when you don't even know what to expect. Ok anyway, yea, obviously its the queue for the shuttle bus. I dun join people and wait in lines blindly ok. Kinda siao, while waiting, I went into a sweating frenzy. Beads of sweat jus keep rollin down my face. And I was just standing there doing nothing sia. ok enough anyway, nobody enjoys imaging me sweating like a pig right. LolI'll skip on the school part, lazy go recall what happen. K back to books. So in my bag were my laptop and another thick fat chunky bulky heavy book. And in my hands were another 2 more flimsy thick fat... heavy books. haha, gotta lug them around until so cham. Then still got some free shoe bag after that. Sociology lecture... frankly speaking, I find her kinda eccentric. Whilst she make jokes, we laugh, but at her instead. Oh and sociology being a chimish topic (to me), she goes very fast thru her slides too. I barely started on one and the next slide is shown already. Fang Xiu is still all over "Isabella". O_o" See, watch what you say, cause anything you say or do can be and will be use against you not in court but life. hai ya, hope it doesnt reach her ears with all the extra weird nonsense in it. =)
When my nose runs and feet smells
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Ok, my feet doesn't smell. *checks* Well, feeling sick for the past few days. Must be one of my friend's apocalyptic plans gone awry again. My nose alternates between running nonstop and then getting stuffed up. Throat's all dry too. Going into my slight depressive moods again. When life becomes a blur and my goals dim out. Friends turn away and focus fades. Suddenly everything seems so far away. Is life just an empty shell? >_< Kinda moody now, should get better next week.
The days pass like a gentle breeze
Friday, April 24, 2009
First, I'm gonna say, WHOOOOO HMS ROCKS!!! Ok, haha. The Dance4Fund event really brought the hms together. We were all dancing together, and cheering like as though we were still in camp. Yay, I rmembered all my steps during the real deal. Ah, we didnt win anyway. I didn't expect much from an indian dance to stand out amongst the other really nice dances, buuuuuut, we were awesomely unique as HMS!!! First week of poly has been quite a breeze but I'm getting busier thats for sure. ITABS was pathetic, some how I screwed up the powerpoint slides which I worked so hard on. Though it wasnt much of a big deal, I'm pretty much a perfectionist. Life seems pretty fast paced now, I can hardly keep focus on my goals and ideals without the days passing by like the wind. Lots of assignments, keeping up with class. Then there's textbooks too, and they're like big giants stacks of paper compiled together designed to give you sever concussion if it lands on your head after falling 3 stories high. Not forgetting to mention there's about 3 books, plus the laptop. If after 3 years of poly and you cant find a proper job, you can always go move sandbags. Labels: Dance
Another day being a fresh freshie
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
IT class today was average. I was already familiar iwth most things that the teacher taught. Had 5 hours of break today. Did the ITABS project with my groupmates. Lol, used an old but nice animation of mine from before. Then got inspiration to make it the theme Windows.Lecture was super soporific la. The lecturer talked until so slowly, I'm dozing off while she's speaking. and the lecture hall chairs are puny. Either they're bad designs or I'm too long although I think most people would go with the latter, (just because I'm taller than you guys... HMPH)After lecture over, we all headed to the HMS Mass Dance practice. Waahaa, this time got so many people man. around 30 or 40. Then still got BSZE coming an hour later. The dance steps got cut from 4 mins to jus 2 minutes. Then, they this funny part at the end where we all hav to go "HEY" after a slightly complex dance step. After finishing that particular step, the song would go HEY, and followed by our lagged "HEY"s haha. It was quite amusing seeing everyone lagging as a grp coupled with the "Haaaiz" face of Matthew lol.Labels: Dance, hms
Day One Being A Freshie
Monday, April 20, 2009
Oooo, the first day of school liao. Wake up slightly before 7, washed up and then headed for school. The journey only took an hour today, but my bag was quite heavy, carry until suan sia. Reached school quite early, step of the bus only be greeted by the percussion people. Wa, ear super pain sia. K never mind about that. Smsed Xiao Hui to see if she reached or not but she's stuck in a jam. Waited for her outside class, wait so long liao, then she say she's inside already. O_o" So first class was Written Communication. Is like aiyooo, back to essays and stuff again sia, but need more words and pro-ness. Class was super quiet, with a bit of response from the class every now and then. And eek, i forgot to print my notes.So we played some ice breaker games, the one where you have to add an adjective to your name, then say all those before you yea? When its not my turn, easy like nothing, but when come to me liao, everything forget le. Ah, then one girl called Denise chose dumb. Aiya, the easy one taken liao. Tried thinking of other D-adjectives but I could only think of Dumber. Lol, no originality de haha. Nvm, in the end, I chose Diabolic Darren. Muahahaha. K, another funny quote.Bobo: ... Erm, Angelic Aizrin(dunno how spell), Messy Mabel, erm then who ah?Darren: *waves hand*Bobo: Oh ya er, Diabetic Darren.(I guess Satan has kidney failure too.)And one more thing, not using my mind for the last 6 months, and then suddenly using it for studies based on a whole new level of chim-ness is like hard, for me at least. All the things the teacher say is jus flowing through my head. None of the words wants to stay in this dusty mind of mine. Then need to think of ideas and suggestions and write a short paragraph. Similarly, all the old words and ideas from last time also moved out liao, its like my head is a ghost town. Nobody's in and nobody's staying.After class, me and Xiao Hui went on our legendary quest for food. We go Makan Place and its packed like siao. Then walk here walk there, walk until I disorientated. So go back to a familiar point then walked to Canteen 2 i think. Not as crowded as Makan Place for sure. XH decided not to eat, so I jus chionged thru my meal. Met up with Tim and Jun Ming after their class, then followed them all the way to Canteen 3, some ulu ulu canteen at one corner of the campus. Eat liao rush back to lecture hall. Grabbed JM and sat some where near the middle. The lecture hall seats are like super cramp, and for someone with long legs like me, I dam buay tahan sia. Kept fidgeting until... Ka-plonked, all my stuff dropped of my table into the fella in front. Paiseh sia, but nvm I'm not the only one =PLike I said before, Sociology was super chim. Its like my mind suddenly become tourist hot spot, some many things just raging thru. The lecturer forced one of us to volunteer to read out a story. "Lets see, well. We'll have Darren..." My heart skipped a beat. "...From T03"Waaaaa, make me have adrenaline rush for nothing sia. The lecturer talked abt our assignments. See already I know sure die de. Sociology chim enough, we still had to observe people, and implement what we learn in sociology into it. One of the assignments got to write report of 120 ~ 150 words. Easy right? WRONG! Throw in another zero at the back. That's like 400% to 500% my normal word capacity. How I'll ever manage that, I hav no idea.Dance4Fund. My dance event for HMS school. Whoo, more people from Pebbles are joining. And, crap sia, some HMS big lecturer or something is inviting T01 (my class) to go. Now I'll have my whole class looking at me dance, and perhaps, suffer from acute laughing fits. They better hav the paramedics team nearby. Oh by the way, did I mentioned we're dancing some Indian dance?!?! Compare that with the common hip hop dances and you should know where I'm getting at. CCA Fiesta wasn't much. They just gave out plain old flyers without detailed details. Uh huh, jus bunch of scrap paper to me. Anyway, Badminton!! Omg la... its on Saturday -- weekend gone, 9.30 to 1 -- late sleep gone, badminton + long journey -- energy gone. But lol, think I'll still join and see how long I can tahan.Looking forwrd to tomorrow! Actually, not really la. See my assignments already head dizzy. Going running tonite, hopefully can hit 10km. EDIT: Forget 10km , too long =P , But, YESSS i beat my previous record for 5km, now its down to 24 mins. Labels: Dance, running, School
Widening My World
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Ah crap... I did a super embarrassing stupid mistake on FB again. You know, the new skin is like Wall and Status Updates looks the same. And I replied my friend's wall, typing my message out on my freaking Status Update thingy. Like OMFG, I'm such a tweet. This isn't the first time I'm doing it either. And both times my replies were you know... very extra for everybody to see. Shit shit shit, How could I live with such embarassment. Oh and because of the stupid new skin, I almost cant differentiate when I'm posting on my wall or posting on my freaking status update. I think I'll wont ever wall anybody again. Duhhhh... Where can i even hide my face.
K anyway, today was the Keala Pebbles gathering!! And there was only 6 outta 15 people that came. Majority of the group mates are Christians and they hav their service at Saturday or Sunday so we have problems going out on weekends.
So, back to topic, met Timothy at MRT first then went together. Reach liao then wait for the girls, and our ex-GL Fang Xiu was saying she would be super early the previous night, and then ah dui, we had to wait for her still haha. Nvm, Tim are me are patient people.
FX: Did you watch F1? Tim: Yea, its quite nice Darren: You guys got seats? FX: Ya, get to watch all the car swooshing by at fast speeds. Darren: I don't get what's so nice about that, its just like sitting at the park watching birds fly past.
(People who don't understand cars...)
Ah, so we went up to LJS eat some small small meal. Then the other girl came. Ok, she put on makeup and stuff then never wear her specs as well, basically, I totally couldn't recognize her. She comes into LJS and Tim and FX was waving to her and I was "Huh?? Who's that???" But of cause my guess would be that that's the other fella la.
Ok erm so, I kena teased abt my silliness once again la. K, so 6 of us watch a movie, eh Sniper. Pretty cool story on a rogue police sniper taking revenge on his team. Awesome graphics too, you know, blood spurting; legs blown up, head shots. Fine, I know I'm being pretty gruesome here.
Darren: Lets just buy 5 tickets and leave M out, Muahahaha M: Yea, 5 tickets, cause I'm gonna kill Darren.
(Ways to cut costs during the economial crisis)
Ya so after movie, kena laughed at by how I've nv been into the city area. And how the city area is so foreign to me. As well as messing up the scandal between me and Isabel. And you know what? Nobody even knows how the scandal started. =____________=" (Please take note how stretched it is) Wa, this time Tim joined in the fun sia, all gang against me. Then the more I say, the worse it gets lol. Why bother defending myself. People seems to enjoy ka chiao-ing me sia. K la, people happy then can liao.
Had lunch at Pepper Lunch, again something foreign to me. Erm, then Tim and me followed FX from orchard to city hall to bugis to look for her hoody/hoodie/hoodee/huudy (Wateveeer) for a birthday gift for a friend. Waaa, walk and walk and walk... lol, then still cannot find. K la, long story short, We just walk nonstop around shops searching for that clothe lor.
Wa, then i drank too much water and the air inside my stomach like keep reproducing de >_<" thats sounds dam stupid. Erm, no matter how i keep burping the feeling still comes back. Wa, some more still have to walk around so many places. Can't wait for next gathering again, and hopefully everybody can hope this time. ^^ Ok, and I found out why the reason I had to be in weird Indian costumes doing a weird indian dance to a weird indian song in front of quite a lot of people is becaaaaause, Hai Xin couldnt make it! Scrap my guess previously of me being the first in mind. Lol, 33% chance heh. Then aiya, he cannot make it, so now I gotta take his place doing it lor. = S K, la, should be a good experience for me still. And yes!, now the mass dance is no longer exclusive to 'special' people like me. =P Er, people, jus join la ah? Dun leave me alone to dance with her, sure become big joke de, kayzz??Labels: FB
Dance Practice
Friday, April 17, 2009
Some of you might be thinking why I'm in a dance practice when in a previous post I mentioned how uncool I dance. Well, there's this mass dance competition thingy where we perform against other schools. Then need 2 from each subgroup. Eh... and I guess I was the first that came to the GL's mind. As well as erm.. another girl which I always argue with (not in that kind of aggressive way). I guess you can call this sabo... So I jus be sporty and say ok lor. And I totally had no idea what I was landing myself into. = \Anyway, I went to the room for the dance practice on time, and guess what? All girls! Lol,I see already straight away walked out. I was expecting way more boys, or at least same number of boys and girls. So I went to Makan Place for a quick lunch and then went back up hoping that maybe more boys would hav turned up. Went outside and peek through the glass door and... STILL all girls. Wa, so guài right? I go there is to meet all the other boys then end up im the only boy there. I dun want to be the only boy dancing on stage with so many girls sia.
Then I jus camp outside the corridor until one of the GL call my phone. Paiseh >_< They ask me whether I coming or not, thinking I'm late, while all this while im in the building haha. Then aiya, call le what to do right, must go in lor. So, me, with another 4 more girls all practicing the mass dance. Lol, with Matthew teaching all of us, it was quite fun, and then hav one Inyo GL acting super comical as well. Wa then got one move need to open your eyes BIG BIG (O.O) and then shake your head. My eyes is like ity bity puny small de lor, how open so big. ('_') Last time go take passport photo, they ask me open my eyes bigger cause too small. Then when i make bigger liao, they ask me smile... Then when I smile, my eyes become small again. I cant open my eyes dam big and smile and the same time. So in the end, my passport photo look funny funny de.
In the end another 2 boys turned up some time later. But like WHERE ARE ALL THE KEALA PEOPLE?!?! Only got one other girl from Keala, where's the other 6? Er 5, cause my partner's birthday today. Ok... Costumes wise, i scared sia. They are deciding between "Ali Baba pants" (baaaaggy pants) or wearing a Sari or watever thats called. And neither of them are gonna look great. And we are trying to organize a Pebbles gathering but quite a lot of ppl cant make it sia. Wasted, then also some not replying. How dare you people snub and ignore the Towkay Son. I think too last minute liao. = ( Hopefully can try organize another one next Sat and that EVERYBODY can come.Labels: Dance, hms
Post-Camp Syndrome
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Finally experienced running on a treadmill. Didn't like it, it felt so cramped especially if I was running at a fast speed. Just a slight variation on my speed and either I'll go too front or risk getting thrown off the treadmill at 10km/hr. And the aircon was making me feel sick. Like as though the insides of me were hot and the outside was cold. I think I'll stick to running on hard ground. School's starting next week, I'm excited yet nervous as well. Finally re-entering society, having to study once again. Thats a 6 months break we poly ppl had, half a year mind you. Nooooo, found out I'm different class from my PCS friends =( and my timetable is awful and confusing. Cant go for my precious badminton on Monday because I have classes.I'm getting the post camp syndrome. Missing the fun times I had with the FOC group, all the laughs, all the teasing, all the fun. Although it only lasted one and a half days, it was definitely an awesome time I had. Labels: running
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hms foc was awesome, discovered a different side of me and made new friends, experienced new things, did things I normally wouldn't. Although the camp wasnt that good, the people in my grp were fun, and that makes it good enough.
First day...
The camp com introduced himself and asked us to say hi to the person beside us and so I did.Me: Hi, whats your name? Stranger: Jun Ming Me: *stunned* What? Jun Ming? Omg, its me Darren! *takes off specs* Jun Ming: Yea, I thought so. Me: Why didn't you say hi earlier then? (We actually were walking beside each other on the way to the lecture hall) Jun Ming: Dunno. Me: ... Anyway, he was my classmate from primary school. Yea, totally couldn't believe it, finally, someone I knew in NP. Too bad we weren't in the same group though. As we caught up on old times, we spotted something peculiar.Jun Ming: Hey, do you realize there's a whole lot of girls here? Me: *looks around* Oh shit... Now that you mentioned it, this place is filled with 80 ~ 90% girls. Jun Ming: Crap, I think we just landed ourselves in a girls school. It then daunted to us that HMS was a girls school. Somehow its courses are more female inclined I guess. Just like engineering being mostly populated by boys. An interesting fact, JM was from a boys school, and he totally feels out of place. Haha! So my subgroup had like 10 girls and 3 boys led by 2 female GL's. And one of them is eh... reeeeeeally slow and blur. Cant even trick her because she cannot even understand it. But it adds to the laughter though. We had to prepare a performance for the campfire in less than a day. After an hour of suggestionless brainstorming from the group, we all decided on doing a dance.Next day we travelled round Singapore. We traumatized kids in the library and KFC making them do cheers for us. haha, poor chaps. Having my mind screwed by some guessing games. Joined in a game called "I never" with the group. That was like the ice breaker for the group. To play you are required to tell a lot of things about yourself, weird stuff if you want to win; helps everybody to know each other more. From then, everybody started talking more and our group became more lively. And throughout the camp, I gained some new identities. Someone mentioned I looked like a towkay's son, because erm, I looked, spoke refinely. Don't you dare even let out a smile. Just with that one comment, everybody went along with her and said I looked like one. and thus i became 'towkay son', in name of course. As amongst the boys I'm Captain Cow. Lol, ok ok, enough the giggling. Got it because during some games, the GL kept making me the action of that, I mean I had to repeat doing it so many times. Kena called 'Zhi Wei' by some people cause I look like him. Not bad though, because of that, I ended up being more sociable. Throughout the day, I became quite a joke as some would say, making humourous comments and being laughed at. It was great though, bringing smiles and laughter to others, many times at the expense of myself.Campfire was like totally horrible. The tech support team was sucky, the mike was crappy and it kept going out. Our performance got messed up by bad music. The tech team played a longer version of the song and when our dance finished but the song continued on, we were jus stood there dumbfounded. We continued the other half with impromtu actions until we told them to stop the music. The performance from other groups wasn't all that entertaining either, probably because of the short preparation time. After 4 draggy hours, we ended it of with a dance night, at the grand stand. Dam... not again. Yup, I was an epic fail unless you call stone-ing dancing but cmon, I cant and dont want to dance. Insisting me to do so will result in a sharp pain in your stomach due to uncontrollable laughing fits.We slugged thru the night at the girls dorm playing games. 2 girls were high after consuming a box of sugary sweets and 2 cups of jelly. One was giggling constantly at nothing. The other was fighting for more jelly. Around 5, the camp coms went to all the rooms rounding up the boys. Thats like 2 hours left to sleep, neither here nor thr. Third day had nothing much on. The induction programme was pretty boring at first, until the PCS part where they talked about the PCS projects and stuff. They had some group called CYA for which you could join projects people started or just start one yourself. I'll consider joining if I have time.Labels: camp, foc, hms