Take To The Sky
Saturday, March 19, 2011
So much has been happening this hol'sHeading HiClub's Grandioso-team, planning progs for camp and heading a second camp performance. Ever since camp planning started, the days have been packed consecutively.Some random things~cracked my laptop screen while leaning on it. Now there's a awesome black lightning bolt looking thing everybody thinks is cool but I dun have the time to repair it. Probably during camp. It's getting kinda annoying now though.Practice for grandioso broke new grounds for synchronization. Tried with eyes closed, and without music. Haha, tedious but its a great achievement. I wish more Hi clubbers could be part of it though, I'd like to see the standard for song signing improve. Too bad my time is planning been choppy, with problems here and there, and me being unhappy abt so many things til I've lost my heart. Argh. Gonna stop criticizing and give more constructive ideas. PfftBeen spitting out random thoughts on twitter lately. I like.Much has been going on in my head recently. Mostly thoughts about people, and thoughts about myself. Hopefully I'll grow through whatever experience happening now. I kinda wanna take a break from all these and just chill.Labels: camp, hi club, memories

Darren Nico Pillai
Not-so-average teen, deep thinker, perfectionist with quirky randomness. Trained in the art of sarcasm and nonsensical logic.
Overcoming the circumstances of the present, and the issues of my past,
striving in self-betterment with a moral balance with the hope of the fulfillment of the destiny to be a light for Christ in His likeness,
spreading the love of God as how He first loved us
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am, for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hosanna -
I like to think about life, especially pursuing on the concept of love. Not that lovey dovey romantic kind, but the affections we have for one another
that ties us together,strangers, friends, besties, family, that's the love I wanna know about. Love is the essence of life that ties us together,
love is what we were made for and to be, love is embracing the gift of the relationship with GOD.
Find me at Facebook and Twitter
Leave a message on my tagboard or drop me some questions if any.
Collection of inspirations and reminders: Nico_thoughts@Twitter
Take To The Sky
Saturday, March 19, 2011
So much has been happening this hol'sHeading HiClub's Grandioso-team, planning progs for camp and heading a second camp performance. Ever since camp planning started, the days have been packed consecutively.Some random things~cracked my laptop screen while leaning on it. Now there's a awesome black lightning bolt looking thing everybody thinks is cool but I dun have the time to repair it. Probably during camp. It's getting kinda annoying now though.Practice for grandioso broke new grounds for synchronization. Tried with eyes closed, and without music. Haha, tedious but its a great achievement. I wish more Hi clubbers could be part of it though, I'd like to see the standard for song signing improve. Too bad my time is planning been choppy, with problems here and there, and me being unhappy abt so many things til I've lost my heart. Argh. Gonna stop criticizing and give more constructive ideas. PfftBeen spitting out random thoughts on twitter lately. I like.Much has been going on in my head recently. Mostly thoughts about people, and thoughts about myself. Hopefully I'll grow through whatever experience happening now. I kinda wanna take a break from all these and just chill.Labels: camp, hi club, memories