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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hm.. didn't realize how much that event affected me.

Suddenly, I've lost confidence in myself, falling into a state of self condemnation and being lost. No longer believe in whatever I do, and out arises this desperate need for affirmation.

The better I think I am, the worse I find myself to be

These days have made me reflected upon the scales of right and wrong, selfless and selfish, and I find myself weighing so heavily on the bad. Maybe it is over-exaggeration, and negligence of the good - something which I find myself lack. On this scale I don't want to put any self-credit of previously false experiences.

Everything I do recently been bogged down by insecurities. The recent two days leading the Grandioso team was terribly done, often with moments where I lose myself, either in confusion, or in fear. Even in other areas of interaction with relationships and doing things.

Heh, I think I lack affirmation, yet it is something I can't rely from the people around. Let these be an expression of my needs, I seek no post-pity actions from people. I find that for much that I do, despite acknowledging the insignificance of it, comes from a personal effort from inside me. I don't ask for people to give me in return, I dare not. Everyone has their own lives. Though I deeply wish to know that I've done something worthwhile with little bits of my heart I give out. I only wish to know that I didnt do all these for nothing.

But nonetheless, these desires seems never to be fulfilled nor satisfied. I'm gonna have to look beyond myself, and to God. Faith. Need to find that peace and assurance once again. Every time I become human, I become weak, but with God, I can move mountains.
