Sunday, March 6, 2011
Why do people never appreciate things until we lose them?The tendency to take everything around us for granted, as if they will always be there. Even with the knowledge, we like give it "one more day" before we do something. It's so easy to complain about the things that we lack or don't suit our liking, yet we hardly take time to appreciate what that we have. Food, shelter, relationships, commodities, money.Don't you see how much people are hurting and in need out there. You dont, or maybe you do, but really, who needs to bother themselves of the affairs of others. Why bother about those with emotional hurts, broken relationships, those who's hearts have been damaged so badly it impairs them from living life to the fullest. Those who's living in an an environment of daily strife, struggling with finances, those who are living in perpetual loneliness inside.Yet here you are with a privileged life, without much taint, feeling the mundanes of life, wanting to experience the world. Life's too clean without any problems for you. People you've yet to meet, would do much better in your life, without going through all those pain and trouble. For another, life's too full of problems that renders you immovable. A dwelling of self-pity to make up for the one others give you. Keeping an immense self-centered focus on the hurts and pains, much in the neglect of anything around.The allure, it's captivating I guess. To everyone. Some resist it, others reach for it. Good or bad, some of us know deep inside, backed by a conscience. The foolishness of humans? So many times, drama or reality, we always have to make some regrettable mistake only to understand ourselves, many of which unfortunately become too late for amendments. Regrets are undeniably one of the most painful burden anyone can bear.But why, why even in our blindsight do we always have to wait for all these painful mistakes to happen for us to wake up. Why cant we just take a tiny peek over, to turn our heads to the things we ought to hold on to. If only people would stop hurting themselves, and consequently hurt others who love them as well. Selfishness. Why?Labels: thoughts

Darren Nico Pillai
Not-so-average teen, deep thinker, perfectionist with quirky randomness. Trained in the art of sarcasm and nonsensical logic.
Overcoming the circumstances of the present, and the issues of my past,
striving in self-betterment with a moral balance with the hope of the fulfillment of the destiny to be a light for Christ in His likeness,
spreading the love of God as how He first loved us
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am, for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hosanna -
I like to think about life, especially pursuing on the concept of love. Not that lovey dovey romantic kind, but the affections we have for one another
that ties us together,strangers, friends, besties, family, that's the love I wanna know about. Love is the essence of life that ties us together,
love is what we were made for and to be, love is embracing the gift of the relationship with GOD.
Find me at Facebook and Twitter
Leave a message on my tagboard or drop me some questions if any.
Collection of inspirations and reminders: Nico_thoughts@Twitter
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Why do people never appreciate things until we lose them?The tendency to take everything around us for granted, as if they will always be there. Even with the knowledge, we like give it "one more day" before we do something. It's so easy to complain about the things that we lack or don't suit our liking, yet we hardly take time to appreciate what that we have. Food, shelter, relationships, commodities, money.Don't you see how much people are hurting and in need out there. You dont, or maybe you do, but really, who needs to bother themselves of the affairs of others. Why bother about those with emotional hurts, broken relationships, those who's hearts have been damaged so badly it impairs them from living life to the fullest. Those who's living in an an environment of daily strife, struggling with finances, those who are living in perpetual loneliness inside.Yet here you are with a privileged life, without much taint, feeling the mundanes of life, wanting to experience the world. Life's too clean without any problems for you. People you've yet to meet, would do much better in your life, without going through all those pain and trouble. For another, life's too full of problems that renders you immovable. A dwelling of self-pity to make up for the one others give you. Keeping an immense self-centered focus on the hurts and pains, much in the neglect of anything around.The allure, it's captivating I guess. To everyone. Some resist it, others reach for it. Good or bad, some of us know deep inside, backed by a conscience. The foolishness of humans? So many times, drama or reality, we always have to make some regrettable mistake only to understand ourselves, many of which unfortunately become too late for amendments. Regrets are undeniably one of the most painful burden anyone can bear.But why, why even in our blindsight do we always have to wait for all these painful mistakes to happen for us to wake up. Why cant we just take a tiny peek over, to turn our heads to the things we ought to hold on to. If only people would stop hurting themselves, and consequently hurt others who love them as well. Selfishness. Why?Labels: thoughts