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If His power was like the wind
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It was magnificent and awe-inspiring. The wind blew, with great strength and magnificence. The world around me shook as though I was trembling, the gushing sound draining away all others.

Was at ECP today with the To2 bunch to celebrate Peiwen's bd. Kinda extra for me to go since i was the only To1 fella there, but I decided to go nonetheless. Had to get my butts out to prevent overthinking emoing and to go out socialise have fun and enjoy a break.

The weather at ECP turned amazing when we got settled down. Could see the storm clouds by the horizon, and watching them roll in was really a sight to behold. But that was nothing. When the first winds blew, it felt like an annoyance, the need to hold things down and the messy hair.

The winds only got stronger, and the waves choppier, and unfortunately hairs messier haha. But I spent the next 30+ minutes standing on the coast, admiring the full beauty of this natural event. A rare chance for such an experience. The flapping of clothes as they beat against the wind, the breaking of waves as they hit the shoreline, and the clouds as though they were charging through the skies.

Was a really great day, until the pelting needle-like raindrops propelled by the already freaking cold and strong wind had me scampering and jumping for shelter. Was a great day out today. Especially laughing away with the bunch of crazy nonsensical retards with screw looses. Had fun and a good break.

I wonder how much air it took, to have a constant gust of wind blowing so long and ever filled with power. I wonder how the waves were able to have so much energy just by the breathe of the wind. I wonder how puny I was compared to the magnificence of such nature. And then i wondered of You. How Your hand created all this, the beauty of nature. How marvelous, how wonderful and amazing, the work of thy hands.

They see the works of the LORD, And His wonders in the deep. For He commands and raises the stormy wind, Which lifts up the waves of the sea. (Psalms 107:24-25)

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