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The Shadow Self
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Woah, another awakening of my shadow.

Been long since I got all riled up enough with devious thoughts going through my mind. Eesh. It isn't a nice thing to have and to let be known, but ah well, I'm gonna be open about it.

I, in my opinion, have a sense of gifted insight where I can thankfully so see a certain depth of an issue. Be it good, bad, or what yea. I'm not exactly flaunting it or saying that I'm smart but haha, it's nice having an analytical insight to the things around me. For some, they'll probably say I think too much, but mm, I kinda think they're just oblivious to the hidden dynamics that encompass each and every of our influence.

Well, sometimes I have it for looking into an issue, spotting out tiny cracks in things that seem ordinarily ok on the surface, and trying to resolve it if it's within my means. Well most of the time, I'm just being horribly insensitive. But yea, anything of power can be both used for good or bad means.

Fire for example. A dangerous tool that the heathen fear. In control, it provides heat and light that benefits our daily living, but if left without control, it attains the ever feared symbol of destruction.

And that's when the shadow takes over. Baah, thankfully enough, I think I have a conscience and accountability good enough that I know I should never do such things. Honestly speaking, if I wanted, I could 'screw' one's mind, twisting every little gear, and setting in a plague so subtle even an ant bite would be more noticeable. If I was set to be some seriously evil fella, lols, beware.

They say one shouldn't hang dirty linen in public, but yea, putting this up certainly doesnt give me a good name, and I think would perhaps get people a little on their guard which prolly wont do both of us any good. I writing this to face my flaws as well as to change. I don't even know if putting this up here would cause negative tensions (which I doubt any/most would understand what I mean)

Change as in even in thoughts. Having the thoughts is as good as doing it. No one gets hurt yea, except me. Conceiving such stuff in mind is akin to doing it out inaction, the repercussions on oneself is the same, a catharsis only promotes future behaviour, the effects and scent left in the unconscious mind.

Anyways, I haven't done anything like that, and I shouldn't ever. Note to self: Don't abuse power. Oh by the way, I totally abhor hard-hearted inconsiderate selfcentered asses who have no regard of people's feelings around them. I'm nice, I give chances. If it doesnt work out. You ought to stay away from me.
