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Chronicles of D-to-Fire 2
Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's almost a week after the closing ceremony and I lack the time to finish up so many of my thoughts

Well, I'll start it with the end. Closing ceremony this sem saw me being a interpreter. In one of the largest communities ever for Hi Club, a crowd of possibly 200 of freshies, amateurs, pros and more terrifyingly so hearing impaireds.

This is my third time being and interpreter, of increasing measure. From closing camp, to opening ceremony, and finally a big show like the closing ceremony. And this time, I think I did pulled off quite a good show. Had quite positive feedback of my signing skills from fellow seniors, friends and even the HI's. Was so afraid I wouldn't meet the mark as had with from the opening ceremony.

Even so, performances were pretty awesome. My class planned a skit, and with so many last minute impromtu changes and additions, I'm proud to say that our performance garnered the most laughs and I do hope everyone enjoyed the performance as we did. Oh and lols, interestingly so, we had all kinds of random ideas from me and Clement :D like dishing out bananas out of nowhere, and pointing straws. Song signing was a bit lil hard since each year I get more and more slack and I push the practice of my song signing later and later back until on the week of closing =x

Thursday instructors performance was pretty awesome too. One of the only few songs I really enjoyed signing. Formation was quite fun with a gangster element. And heh, for a moment, I forgot my formation and stood there all blur =P

Ha, the third performance I'll mention would be my class' performance ^^ I love the way everyone signs together as a giant whole, and how the audience liked the final ending formation of 1F. I think I'll stop going on about how awesome my class is cos I'm actually sick of hearing myself say so xD

Well well well, I think this sem's closing was a great success. Main Comm's performance was ultimately awesome shitz, which I really enjoyed =D Glad to see me buddies putting on such a good show. I'm sure most of the crowd enjoyed the moment too.

Overall, this in some manner concludes half of Hi Club life. I have studied through Basic A, B, & intermediate and soon, alumni. Sat thru countless ceremonies and performed numerous songs, had my own class, watched them grow up. I got to meet my objectives of involving my emotions and expressions into signing. Yup, moving on to interpreting next sem I think.


Perhaps I'll begin on my class first. Class truly was a bit tough to begin with, managing so many students at one go. I had great trouble remembering all their names. But thru the weeks, seeing them enjoy lessons, laughing away to our lame and weird jokes. In retrospect, when I look back now, I got to say I may have failed to teach them well the signings due to what seem like their poor recall of many sign words =( However, something really encouraging to see is the passion instilled within many of their hearts. Maybe passion is more important? because passion becomes a self drive to further oneself in the pursuit of whichever he/she is chasing. And as how I grew up in HiClub thru a burning passion that helped me learn and grow exceedingly fast.

Class 1F, I hope this passion in all of you will help you to grow and exceed me in skills and beyond, I really see a lot of potential in you all! ^^


Moving back, Intermediate. Truly, I really didnt enjoy intermediate to begin with. I kinda didnt like my class, and it was really boring to a point where I would actually think about skipping class. First few weeks were deteriorating to my fire for HiClub and I gave up on intermediate at one point. Had no interest in class at all, and didnt even bother taking notes. Haha in short, I kinda didnt learn my intermediate words ._. Well, at least after 4 lesson onwards, I begin to learn how to like my class and the people there. But I hope this wont be a dampener to my awesome instructor Cheryl and Jeremiah. Because ultimately, I really enjoyed intermediate in overall especially our closing ceremony performance.

Thanks piggy =P Don't so sad kay, you did a good job kay. Thanks for teaching me for two semesters, you noisy loud screaming squealing exaggerating hourglass and crazy piggy instructor lawlz. =D Oh but heh, I feel like repeating intermediate though, cos I missed out on most of the words which I havnt got to learn =(


Alrities moving on Basic B. Mine mine, Basic B was a big bore haha. Was taught by Cheryl Da Piggz again. HAHA nah joking, wasn't her fault. Well, kinda cos to me and timothy's passion for Hi Club, by the end of our first HiClub camp, we kinda mastered majority of the words in Basic B, about 80% =P Mostly entertained myself through random signings of word, making up wrong and fake signings for the fun of it HAHA. Song signing HMMM ok, firstly i wanted another song which I really enjoyed, timothy as well, but HEH the class out voted us and in the end, most of them didnt come =,= lousy poops. But yea lol, still awesome nonetheless, and at least I get to know Cheryl thru the class :D


Alrities, Basic A. Hm... the reason i joined HiClub was because I was impressed seeing someone sign a song. I decided to join HiClub alone and amazingly found some of my classmates in teh same club as well. My first instructor was Jeremy and Lina, and whoohoo, Jeremy is like one of the most awesomest dudez ever in the club yea. Had one of the best signers in the club as my instructor. While my class was pretty quiet, my passion for sign language grew and grew. I actively learnt and find new words and through it, I kinda became one of the top few in the Basic A cohort of my batch. Impressive much ^^ Somehow, Hiclub became my life and I looked forward to it every week. My hands wouldn't stop moving and has stop since, ever always signing whenever I was free. Those were the days when I was young and silly hahax ^^


Well, I think it's quite a poor statement of all my memories in Hiclub becos I'm blogging this halfway in class but yea, I hope this serves and a landmark to remind me of one of my most prominent parts of my life ever in the Poly years and passion ^^

But yea, I wanna continue improving myself and HiClub, gotta cherish and make greater use of my 1.5 years left =)

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