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Breaking Limitations
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's back into the topic of facades again. I'm in a transition of change again. Once again, I'm different now. Maybe a little more annoying, a little nicer, a little more retarded, a little more smarter, but one thing I could say, I definitely more me.

Since deciding against the use of facades, I have long started my journey of intense negative sanctions both by social norms and my own mistakes. Making things short, I'm towards the refining of myself of what's needed and what's might not.

Presenting back to the basis, I feel towards the need to be one self, too long too much, have we humans been conforming to the norm of society. True enough, these norms are what keep order and the prevention of mass chaos. But on the other hand, if mishandled, these norms become stumbling blocks to an individual.

The world is gifted with varieties of diverse culture and through the americanization of dominant world power, cultures everywhere are slowly losing their uniqueness and becoming a unified whole. Take a look at Singapore, how much of it's heritage has been lost. The generation today is closer to western influences as to their roots. Many claim this to be a good thing but heh, seriously? Can people not see how much life seems so much comfortable at the expense of one's cognitive health? People today, crudely speaking, are a bunch of narcissistic, emo bunch of people who care mostly for themselves before others. Judgmental much, but I don't really like the way the world is moving, and Singapore being my home, isn't where I want that to go. So much of Singapore morals have been degrading, and problems rising, what is it going be like in a decade more?

Moving back to social norms that influences the being of one self. Why should it be socially unacceptable to be wacky, hurt, sad, childish, loud, talkative, and whichever traits the society deems as "no good". Too much have we been conforming to social desirability that so many of us, have lost our self. We put aside that which we are, and introject into ourselves traits we like of others. A pursuit of collective traits that people like. Some people even put unto themselves what others want of them, of limit them to be in a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy.

So in the end, if one becomes slim, good-looking, humourous, and well, other traits which I have no bother to think off, gains the acceptance of everyone and yet is never satisfied with himself. What is the point of living, if we are just living under the facade of someone who's not even us.

Even then, many of people limit their potential due to these norms. Some people put off the idea of doing something on the account that people will disapprove of it. The potential of uniqueness from each and ever individual deserves to shine so much more than just fitting to become similar to everyone.

Well, on my argument, true enough, it sucks to be oneself only to be rejected by this norms. Heh, I would urge people to persevere. It's kinda having to find the people who will accept you for who you are. Besides, even if the world hates you, you wont having any regrets.

For clarification, I would think that being oneself ought to include everything of that individual, flaws, strengths, fears, personalities and from there, slowly sift out those that are desirably well for the soul. And from there, we grow. Make mistakes and learn. Obviously being yourself doesn't mean you vent your anger on everyone that pisses you off, but it is to face up to your anger, acknowledge it, and refine it into something that's good.

I think the support has to come from two ends though. We as the community need to be less judging as well. an example would be the expression of someone crying. If he/she is truly expressing the grief or hurts in a genuine form of sadness, that so be it. There shouldn't be any wrong in crying out. In fact, I think its a sign of strength, because it goes to show that you're brave enough to face up to yourself. On the other hand, if one is just making a whine out to gain attention, then such actions should not be reinforced, but maybe, in a non judging way, provide the attention in another non negative behaviour such as friendship and stuff.

Much of this is unplanned through hence the poorly written concept but well to end it off, I also would say everything should have a proper balance to it. There are times to show, there are times to hide, but that doesn't mean we should wear a mask for everything we do.

Break limitations, Live free
