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Tsunami Whoosh
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just to let ya all know. I'm fine. I really am ._.

Kinda weird how in the span of 2 days so much things can happen.

Night 1:

Kena counselled by my friend about some stuff I'm doing wrongly, and upon self realization that I've kinda been pretty selfish...

Explanation on my actions to help understand myself and for others to see =l

Day 2:

Aims to change and stop me selfish ways.

Afternoon 2:
Kena "whacked" for my first reason for fearing to open up, trust and hurts...

Evening 2:
Kena "whacked" for seccond reason for fearing to open up, not wanting to hurt others.

Night 2:
Major major emo

Midnight 2:

Day 3:
As per normal

Heh, kinda fast and like whoosh, some much happened in just a short period of time. But owells, thanks for all the concern. I'll continue trying to improve myself. And yea, its thru all the hurts that i gain the experience for future reference =)


Thanks for that timeout ._. Just felt uncomfortable receiving it right from your face ._. I have my shy sides too =P
