Living Without a Tomorrow
Monday, July 19, 2010
The echo of death has been tailing me recently.Once gone, never back. We all as humans live our lives with somewhere inside us knowing that at a certain time, we'll be gone for good. When we do not know. Where to, that is another question we scarcely dare fathom. But it being something we all must go thru, we dread it. I think, once your duty and purpose is accomplished, it will be time.Death of friends' relatives. Kinda how scary it's getting near. Even one in the family has been diagnosed with possible cancer, and now we're doing all we can to make her happy. I don't know what I'll ever do if I'll be the only one waking up that early that day, feeling her cold hard flesh. I don't even want to imagine.But it's kinda funny isn't it. How we, ungrateful souls, never fail to under-value something before we lose it, only to realize how much meaning it had in our life, how great a part it played. Be it an item, a friend, a special someone, or sadly, perhaps a family member. Maybe we all have to learn it the hard way.Death is no stranger to me. I watched as it came to claim the souls, ripping the mortality off the body and sending it's spirit to its fate. I even had my own personal encounter with it; just a single breath away. But no, it has no victory of me. Two times it came, two times it failed. Glorious deaths they died. And my deepest thanks from the hidden parts of my spirit to Thee above.But heh, it makes me wonder sometimes. What would happened if I had to see it once more? Kinda struck me for a moment, and I sent out a random text saying "I love you" to my loved ones. You see, we human always tend to take the essence of time for granted, oh no no, I can do that another time, not now... Say sorry later, forgive later, later later later.Regrets. One of the most terrible feelings in the book of mankind. Especially them unfulfilled ones. Can you imagine the agony, that if tomorrow, your parents have their last breathe by their last sleep. Never mind the financials and stuff. Just take a quick thought about all the things we would have done otherwise had we known this tragedy would befall us. The things we would have done, words we would say or hadn't say. Maybe wished we were a bit more giving, a bit more patient instead of blowing up. Wish we let them know how much we actually loved them behind the facade of aloofness. How we want a second chance, just a minute to clear up all our mistakes.But no. Death is final. No matter how much you'd pray, how many sins you atone for, the irreversible effect will never change. What's left is all the regrets we have. Why cant we just lived more properly. I dun really have a clue why though.But thus, death holds great power. Life even beyond death, has great influence. Cries of mourning, facades into dust, opening of the walls. Must we let death torment us in such ways? We are fail to see how everything has two sides. What might be good can be turned for evil, and what might be evil can be turned into good. One shapes his destiny.With a fear of one's death, we shouldn't be hiding in a dark corner filled with cowardice, rather, converting it into positive motivation for living life to the fullest. Hold back nothing, smiling always, giving compliments, loving freely, bearing no grudges.What if today was our last day on earth? Yea. Live like there's no tomorrow. Live to the fullest.
P.S I love you. I don't know how to. Please don't die. I don't want you to go.
Labels: thoughts

Darren Nico Pillai
Not-so-average teen, deep thinker, perfectionist with quirky randomness. Trained in the art of sarcasm and nonsensical logic.
Overcoming the circumstances of the present, and the issues of my past,
striving in self-betterment with a moral balance with the hope of the fulfillment of the destiny to be a light for Christ in His likeness,
spreading the love of God as how He first loved us
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am, for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hosanna -
I like to think about life, especially pursuing on the concept of love. Not that lovey dovey romantic kind, but the affections we have for one another
that ties us together,strangers, friends, besties, family, that's the love I wanna know about. Love is the essence of life that ties us together,
love is what we were made for and to be, love is embracing the gift of the relationship with GOD.
Find me at Facebook and Twitter
Leave a message on my tagboard or drop me some questions if any.
Collection of inspirations and reminders: Nico_thoughts@Twitter
Living Without a Tomorrow
Monday, July 19, 2010
The echo of death has been tailing me recently.Once gone, never back. We all as humans live our lives with somewhere inside us knowing that at a certain time, we'll be gone for good. When we do not know. Where to, that is another question we scarcely dare fathom. But it being something we all must go thru, we dread it. I think, once your duty and purpose is accomplished, it will be time.Death of friends' relatives. Kinda how scary it's getting near. Even one in the family has been diagnosed with possible cancer, and now we're doing all we can to make her happy. I don't know what I'll ever do if I'll be the only one waking up that early that day, feeling her cold hard flesh. I don't even want to imagine.But it's kinda funny isn't it. How we, ungrateful souls, never fail to under-value something before we lose it, only to realize how much meaning it had in our life, how great a part it played. Be it an item, a friend, a special someone, or sadly, perhaps a family member. Maybe we all have to learn it the hard way.Death is no stranger to me. I watched as it came to claim the souls, ripping the mortality off the body and sending it's spirit to its fate. I even had my own personal encounter with it; just a single breath away. But no, it has no victory of me. Two times it came, two times it failed. Glorious deaths they died. And my deepest thanks from the hidden parts of my spirit to Thee above.But heh, it makes me wonder sometimes. What would happened if I had to see it once more? Kinda struck me for a moment, and I sent out a random text saying "I love you" to my loved ones. You see, we human always tend to take the essence of time for granted, oh no no, I can do that another time, not now... Say sorry later, forgive later, later later later.Regrets. One of the most terrible feelings in the book of mankind. Especially them unfulfilled ones. Can you imagine the agony, that if tomorrow, your parents have their last breathe by their last sleep. Never mind the financials and stuff. Just take a quick thought about all the things we would have done otherwise had we known this tragedy would befall us. The things we would have done, words we would say or hadn't say. Maybe wished we were a bit more giving, a bit more patient instead of blowing up. Wish we let them know how much we actually loved them behind the facade of aloofness. How we want a second chance, just a minute to clear up all our mistakes.But no. Death is final. No matter how much you'd pray, how many sins you atone for, the irreversible effect will never change. What's left is all the regrets we have. Why cant we just lived more properly. I dun really have a clue why though.But thus, death holds great power. Life even beyond death, has great influence. Cries of mourning, facades into dust, opening of the walls. Must we let death torment us in such ways? We are fail to see how everything has two sides. What might be good can be turned for evil, and what might be evil can be turned into good. One shapes his destiny.With a fear of one's death, we shouldn't be hiding in a dark corner filled with cowardice, rather, converting it into positive motivation for living life to the fullest. Hold back nothing, smiling always, giving compliments, loving freely, bearing no grudges.What if today was our last day on earth? Yea. Live like there's no tomorrow. Live to the fullest.
P.S I love you. I don't know how to. Please don't die. I don't want you to go.
Labels: thoughts