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History Maker
Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm writing this form the middle of the night because I feel so distracted from doing my work. Wasting precious time =l

Anyways, today is the final performance of the three and boy was its nerve wrecking. We were the only performers at the HMS award ceremony and eeks, all eyes were on us to put on a good show for the closing finale. And sheesh, so many familiar faces, its darn freaky.

Well, I kinda screwed up my first part which was kinda sad, but overall I think we did a relaly really great performance. I'd like to credit myself for the effort and the whole make-up of the practice of the performance. I think at least with my perfectionism and over-high standards I really managed to push the performing standards of this show much much higher. Of cos with the help of fellow team mates and their dedication ^^

I'd like to feel that I made history. Since so long has there been a (hiclub) performance of high quality. I think our formation wasn't that too fantastic, but for synchronization, I think we really hit it =D Would be lovely to think that next time in the future, people will look back and say "Hey, remember the performance done by Darren's group, that was one of the best performance ever in Hi Club". History makers. With effort and perseverance, I've made mine.

Haha, but I secretly hope that people can affirm me >.< Feeling kinda happy for the achievement yet sad because I'm not sure if anyone appreciates it. Owells. Am surrendering those feelings. At least I know I've done my best =)

will link the vid when its up ^^


We perform for HMS award ceremony. See everyone getting awards for best this best that. I feel so inspired to work hard so that maybe one day, I too can be amongst the top =D

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