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Hold Me In Your Arms
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Woots, have been doing nothing for the past 2 days. But heh, I'm seriously up to neck in work. But no motivation to start on any of them. This will probably result in me chionging like some major shit for the next 2 weeks.

Anyway, it's been bugging me for weeks and I've no idea where it came from or started. It's causing me to do things I don't exactly thing is good, but sometimes I cant help it. The urge is troubling me more and more. I can only dream of it like in the shows, with exception to that extremely rare and lovely moment a few weeks ago. Maybe I should stop watching too many shows, maybe I should stop dreaming. After all, much of these shows are just part of portrayed unfulfilled dreams.

Ha! Searched me collections of thoughts and found this that depicts my thoughts about my thoughts xD
"I'm pretty darn sure it wouldn't be that way, but that small voice keeps telling me, "What if?" and so, I still believe..."
And so, my desires drive me on. Is it wrong to think this way? Why am I desiring it again? Would it be wrong if I did it? Would it be possible? Will there be someone? Is this a need or want? Is this just a flawed view of reality?

Some sources discourage it, of all the negatives it will cause. But how much of this is just me wanting it? Songs, shows, jokes, chats all have a hidden tinge of the unconscious want as well. In fact, if I wanted, I'm sure I could just grab what's in front of me, but I doubt at all that would be fruitful. But sometimes I still think I'm just dreaming of the ideals. But then, I see around me, what if it wasn't as impossible as I thought it would be...

Haha, yes, abstract I know. I'll give ya all ambiguous one word. I leave it to ya'll to decipher it in whichever way you assume it to be.



I just got a really random thought. A tough one too.
If in life, you had to choose between forgoing one of two people, as though you never knew them in your life, never will met them, never will have any experiences related to them, never will have the impact they made on you, which would it be...?

Your closest and best friend, or the one you know you'd love with all your heart.

The companion of the soul or the companion of the heart?


Oh crap, this post just gets longer and longer the more I think. HAHA but yea, companionship. I believe most of us would have an impossible decision to make to the proposed question, that's if it was rightly defined. Because between those two are a difference in companions, one of the soul and the other for the heart, but both equally important. One gives and receives what the other cannot. A friend whose intimacy with you grows as close or beyond kinship, or a partner who fills that void within your heart with a bubbly, delirious yet an unfailing love to do things beyond the cause of the selfishness of the human heart. Of course ideally, it would be great if both were one, then we wouldn't need anyone else in this world. Unfortunately, that is hard to achieve and we fulfill the desire for companionship through multiple individuals, changing personas if they might. For one without these bonds, does their heart and soul yearn, and in time, grow cold to the world. But that call within us never dies, it is the programming of human nature, far deeper than merely the need for socialization, for friends. How is it that our hearts sink or fills with warmth whenever we read a love story. Might we be jealous of the bonds we lack? The innate destiny of one man's life to be intertwined with another. Bonds.
