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Good Friday
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today was Good Friday/Easter service. Love watching the skit, remembering my first time with it when in Thailand on a mission trip. Really meaningful drama and beautiful song to accompany it as well.

Had to leave just before the altar call cos I had to go for a family dinner. And I stayed on as long as i could, because I still wanna watch everything, but still had to leave before the most anticipated part of the service. Had to go cos my mom said we would be rushed if I ended late.

Much to my displeasure, I had a slight rant at my mom about causing me to miss the segment which I really want to observe and be a part of. Watching the new believers and backslided peeps coming back to Him. Dishonourable conduct aside, I think there's something we can all learn ba.

First would be that we as humans, do not, and should not, give God a timing. By this I mean it isn't our right to plan our schedules and then fit God in wheresoever we feel we want Him to be. Such a principle should apply to life, and the very least so, anything to do with God; like services, prayer meetings and stuff. If it has reached the designated time for the service to end, but yet spirit of God is still moving, then let it be. Suggest to those who want to leave first to do so, but don't take control of the movement and power. God should never ever be confined by time, or more so, our time, for He is an infinite God with a perfect plan. And it is so that in His time, all things are made perfect.

The underside of a tapestry cloth appears ugly and messy while the tailor is sewing it, but when the last strand is threaded, he flips the cloth and tadaa, it's a wonderful masterpiece. A work of fine art and beauty. But it is during the process, that we cannot understand what the creator is working at, but that doesn't mean nothing right is going on, but that he is at work at his already thought our plan on how to do things. So yea, we too need to let God do His work freely, and by freely, it means without restrictions.

Second point. It struck me when my mom apologize about indirectly causing me to miss the altar call and that she thought it was nothing much extra ordinary and ok to miss. I state this as an example and not as a judgment. This is an example of how we Christian take God's for granted sometimes. All the other blessings He provide for us, is it simply something we brush off off? Here we are talking about saved souls, that the lost come to the light and to know their Saviour. It is not soemthing to be treated lightly, just as God the Shepherd rejoices greatly over one lost sheep, so does all heavens rejoice triumphantly over a lost soul found, and we too are to take pride in that as well.

Third, it is important not to forget that we were once lost too, and not that we, now in the light, rejoice and forget about the rest. It is also yet our duty to bring the rest of our friends, families and the lost together to be able to share this joy with us. Our faith may be four our owning, but yet it is also for sharing, not for keeping. We have to take charge the responsibility of the lives of others as much as our owns.

Yups, random thoughts on a Good Friday evening.

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