The perfect ending to a wonderful year...
...will be to celebrate the good times with you here~
And so I did, with everyone of you.
Yvette, Yi Zhen, Di Sheng, Timothy
My deepest thanks, for this has been a memorable Christmas for me.
basketball-penguin-fire-sunrise-cookieThis year, it was left to be an empty one,
no outings, no friends, no christmas trees
But you guys called me out and we had a mini party together.
Boy was it fun. I really enjoyed it.
I had a rocking good time!

Laughed til I teared during Taboo.
had a turkey-ish dinner with pus-oozing sausages
Took pictures, all kinds of funny ones, groups ones, photo bombing ones (Disheng...)^^
Had fun playing Jenga
wahahas, my fast block swiping move hehe.
And we baked cookies!
And they were goooood ok =)
ate like 6 or 7, or maybe more. Kinda lost count.
And we played cluedo! First time playing and whooo
lots of mind games involved.
filling the cookies
act cute only~
attempting to smear cookie paste on Yizhen's face kekekex
cute timothy pose- wink and a twist

our fail domino - only 4 fell....
baked cookies
cheese!!To round in up quick (cos ima sleep cos ima hav caaamp tomorrow)
Thank you for everything. For every friend out there. Thanks for this year. thanks for being part of my life. Thanks for you touch, deliberate or not.
This really has been the perfect ending to my wonderful year. Words are incapable of expressing the love I feel this Christmas. There's nothing greater I could ask for. It really has been a beautiful time spent with you all.

Have a blessed new year ahead,
I know I'll have one, because of friends like you by my side.
Random Smiles:
TABOO never fails to crack me up.
Disheng: Yizhen always eats my ...?and
Darren: Disheng + Yizhen = ?and
Yvette: When you see BECK you...? *points at mouth*Yizhen: Drools.and
Yizhen: Look, my glasses makes me look?Yvette: NerdyAnswers:
2) EARTHQUAKE (di zhen)
Labels: frenz, memories