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15 In, 1.5 Out
Monday, August 23, 2010

Wa, major life break through for me today. I finally touched the stove for the first time since this year I think.

My mom didn't cook nor bought anything for dinner and I was left hungry. Well, normally I prefer to starve myself cos I'm too lazy to cook anything or walk to the coffeeshop which is about 10 mins walk.

Ba, my strength is my weakness as well. Adaptability. pfft.

Anyways, fought the great battle in my mind whether I would keep hungry through the night or to just get over my lazy butt to cook something to eat. Sheesh, and I amazingly, surprisingly chose the latter. I bet my mom is over the moon. I'm such a spoilt brat xD

Only if all conditions are met will I ever repeat such a miraculous feat. I hope my mom doesn't see this, confirm sure use against me so she doesnt have to cook for the rest of her life =o

1. I'm hungry and skipped 2 meals.
2. No motivation to go down to 7-11 DIRECTLY under my block to buy over-priced ripoffs.
3. Ate a whole loaf of raisin bread for dinner the day before
4. No $$$
5. Bored ttm.
6. Mom not being extra nice on that day.
7. Whining and acting childish doesnt work.
8. Neither does sweet talking.

haha owells. Kinda sianz. I hate cooking to the max. I see no point in taking so long to cook only to eat it up in 10 times less the time. 15mins to cook, 1.5 minutes to eat dang. 1 plate of nooodles with 1 hard boiled egg. Haaais. And feeling hungry right after it's down.

Sianz much. Nonetheless, three cheers for me actually cooking for myself. Hooray much. How I wish food fell from the sky...