Mom left me home without dinner. Disaster striked.
No probs I thought. Gonna starve it out as usual coz I'm too lazy to go out to get food. I decided to munch on leftover mooncakes which is kinda what I've been doing every missing meal so, got sick of that quick.
After much persuasion from my friend, I decided to cook some plain rice with eggs to eat. Big step I took.
Checked my rice pot, damz, it isnt washed. As in the all the bit of rice here and there all hardened up so i can wash it, just soak soak soak. Fine... So i'll be having plain eggs then. Aaaaaand. I'm out of eggs. Great.
Wat to do, now must get out of house right. Bought cup noodles, potato chips and EGGS. And even before I get to eat my noodles, I split them on myself. Hot water with dissolve ajimonoto all over my jeans, bleh. Legs turned red.
Attacked the tube of chips after the noodles and is feeling good, other than having my mouth feeling full of chips seasoning.
Any one wanna know which flavour I bought?

And now, for some weird reasons, its only 9.30 and I'm feeling awfully awfully sleepy -- you can see from my weird writing.
Today is a bad bad day.
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